Breast cancer
posted by Neadi
21 November 2012

still here

Last reply: 23 November 2012 00:07

hi everyone.

I hope everyone is well and best of luck with rads chemo etc....

I'm still here:-(
drains are still pulling too much fluid , but i may get home today....

So five days on, still adjusting to the newness of it all, and just really lookingforward to getting home....

just very afraid of the coming chemo - wish i didnt have to do it Image removed.



commented by WicklowLady
21 November 2012

21 November 2012 06:53

I'm here too in private but going home today. Don't be scared of the chemo you will get through it. You're like myself you've only yourself and your husband and you'll look after each other. I had chemo on Monday and when I got home I got severe cramps and had to come back in but it was a minor blip and it never happened before . I've only two left and as I told you I got out and about on my good days and just did what my body told me when I was tired. Take all the meds including the ones they say are only for back up if you needed them, I take them to make sure I'm not sick. Post or pm me anytime if you've any questions about chemo. You're doing reall well, well done to you, you are on the road to recovery xxxx sending cyber hugs

Mary xxx

commented by Neadi
21 November 2012

21 November 2012 20:40


Am home!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.:)

Mind you I still have one drain and it seems to be draining quicker instead of slower!!! Did anyone experience this????

But just so so happy to be home and lying on my bed!! St vincents were fab, and really it wasn't as bad or as painful as I thought!!'

Home!! Yay!!!

commented by wilmaone
21 November 2012

21 November 2012 20:48

Hi Neadi

Delighted your home.Hope the recovery goes well.

xx W

commented by Neadi
21 November 2012

21 November 2012 21:05

Thanks a million!!
Just so delighted to be back and have the first hurdle climbed....
A few more to go tho....

commented by WicklowLady
21 November 2012

21 November 2012 21:20

Great news I got home today too. Feeling post chemo now but this day next week I will be feeling more myself. You will be fine as I say you'll get through the chemo everyone does its just a small hill to climb and we are all here for you. Enjoy your sleep in your own bed tonight I know I will xxxx

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 08:50

Thanks Mary!!

11 hours sleep???? Unheard of for me- must have been bunched!!!

Hope you enjoyed your first night at home.


commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 09:09

Good for you it's so important to be able to sleep at night and with all my blips I've always been able to sleep which is a big plus long may it last. My taste buds are starting to disappear and I haven't had a 'movement' since Monday so it'll be an interesting day ahead. I'm so delighted you are over the op you dreaded and you can move on. Did they give you any time scale for your chemo to start?


commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 09:37

No, we have to head back up on Monday to get the full pathology report, so perhaps there will be a bit more information regarding chemo and oncology etc......

The nurses tell me that I am now cancer free Image removed.
But although I know WHY I have to have chemo, it doesn't seem fair....
Or am I building this up to be something it's not??

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 09:57

Happy days that is just fantastic I can't wait till they say that to me in January after my lumpectomy " you are cancer free" oh fantastic. I notice my lump shrinking and can't really feel it now. Oh no you are getting chemo and radiotherapy to make goddamn sure it never comes back. My father had a tumour removed near his appendix two years ago and he then was cancer free but they still wanted him to have chemo as it reduces the risk of reoccurrence . So don't be worrying and I'm so happy you are cancer free, what a feeling I can't wait Image removed. That's me with my sunglasses on when I'm on holidays next year cancer free please God, lots of love

Mary xxxx

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 11:32

And you will be!!!

Just a few short weeks to January and the gremlin will be gone.......

It's looking like my treatments will finish in June 2013 then we wait fir reconstruction.......

Summer seems like such a long way away, but we're going to Florida when this is all over, and I cannot wait.......

Hope the chemo effects wear off soon for you


commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 15:08

Oh please God . Time goes by and once you've chemo over I feel it's plain sailing and as I am that bit ahead of you I can help you all the way having experienced it. I'm planning a big holiday/s in 2013. We had a two and a half week med cruise booked for my 50th so we had to cancel but thankfully the insurance refunded the money. I will enjoy my holiday all the more next year.

Love Mary xxx

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 15:13

Thanks Mary!!

I will certainly be asking you for loads of pointers....
When I asked the nurses, I was told I would probably have something called TC chemo?????? Whatever that means .......

God there will be some celebrating at the finish line won't there???

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 16:14

You are more than welcome if I can help in any way. I think TC will be taxotere and carbo platin but there are other chemos starting with T. I'm TCH taxotere carbo platin and her ceptin . It's amazing how many types of chemo there are. I've learned so much since getting this dreaded disease.

Oh celebration is an understatement I'm going to celebrate for the rest of my life. 2013 is going to be the start of them and who said 13 was an unlucky number???

Mm xxxxx

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 17:01

2012-13 for me is basically a write off

The only way is upwards as far as I'm concerned!!!!

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 17:43

Ah no don't write it off there will be good times in the middle of it all believe me. You'll snatch the odd weekend away and you'll enjoy it.

You're dead right the only way we can go is up. Happy days. Think about Florida on the bad days that's what's keeping me going.


commented by Dane7
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 18:10

Hey Neadi

First time round I had TC chemo and it was Taxol (Taxotere) and Cyclophosphamide.


commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 18:22

God all those big names I'm only getting used to them. All poison I suppose but they do the job my tumour has definitely shrank which is brilliant. I don't want to jump the gun till the scans the next time.

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 18:53

They are big names aren't they??

Dane- were the side effects very bad??

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 19:02

I've just had a lovely roast chicken dinner served to me and halfway through I had to get up couldn't taste a bit of it and couldn't stomach looking at it. It'll only last for a while but it used to kick in much later than this like sat or sun so hopefully it'll have passed quicker

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 19:15

Ah, that's a shame Mary, but you're almost at the chemo finish line!!!!

I just can't wait to get it over with now!!!

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 19:40

Oh it's not he end of the world my husband made me custard to have some prunes with as I Avnet had a bowel movement since Mondays cramps. Not feeling any bad effects but I'm always happy when I've moved so to speak, funny the things that make you happy lol.

On top I've got my first hot flushes which she said could happen as I'm at that stage in life. They're not bad and hopefully they'll stay like hat I've enough on my plate.

Yes only two left so things are ok

commented by Dane7
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:04

Hey Neadi

I am probably not the best to ask about chemo as it really didn't go well for me. 1st and 2nd treatment ok. 3rd admitted to hospital with vomiting etc - 2 day stay. 4th - really ill Neutropenic and Cellulitis (inflamation of vein chemo went into) 1 week hospital stay. 5th - admitted 1 week hospital stay with clot and neutropenia (no white cells - can't fight infection). My oncologist said they wouldn't give me the 6th treatment as I wouldn't make it through another one!

I am not typical I hasten to add so please don't panic. Lots of the ladies here will have had a better/different story to tell. I had dreadful vein issues and had a Picc line put in on 4th cycle which failed - giving me the clot after 1 day. The clot has been a huge problem so bad luck too played its part.

The worrying thing I found with chemo was that my team rated chemo's chances of shrinking my tumour/eliminating it quite high and in reality I was almost resistant to it entirely. Very little shrinkage even though it damn nearly finished me off. Worrying for any reoccurance as, apart from chronic side effects, I seem to be resistant/immune to it.

Of the TC cocktail Taxotere is probably the worst of the chemicals. I am back in chemo again now post surgery and on CMF. C being cyclophosphamide. Some flulike symptoms and nausea so I am putting the problems I had in chemo down to Taxotere including the "baldness". Kept most of my eyebrows and eyelashes so that was good. Body hair went (bonus)!!!

Side effects - chest tightness, throat infections/mouth ulcers, rash, nausea. Major side effects to Neulasta injection which they gave me each cycle to improve my white cells. Dreadful bone pain, temperature and joint ache.

That's my tale. It is not the norm!!! I hasten to add so please don't panic.

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:09

Oh god! Dane that sounds really rough!!

Image removed.

commented by Dane7
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:17

Rough at the time but soon forgotten - really!!! You will have some dodgy moments Neadi but you have youth and otherwise good health on your side and the support of your family and friends. It will be ok honestly.

Despite everything that has happened to me during chemo and after it I agreed to do [b:1ykncbxj]more[/b:1ykncbxj] because like you I need to get over this, get better and get back to "normal". I have a 4 year old and bad and all as my diagnosis is proving to be giving up is not an option.

Chin up - you have done really, really well with the horrors of surgery over. In 6 weeks or so when you start chemo you will be ready to face this next battle. The meds they give you are great and the team will be watching you for side effects.

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:20

Oh Dane that makes mine sound like a walk in the park. Yes the taxotere was what gave me my cramps last week I think. Oh you've been through the mill God help you. Oh God I hope it shrinks my tumour and I don't need more chemo . Please God . you are now on the road to recovery.

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:29

Mary I'm sure it will!!

What size was your tumor before chemo!!

Dane- you are superwoman!!!

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:33

Yes Dane you are fantastic. Oh i hope so, My tumour was 2cm

commented by Dane7
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:39

Nah ladies ... scared to death inflammatory cancer is no joke. Reading about it on the internet is banned in our house! Just doing what I am told .... for once!! Image removed.

Tumour 10 cm post chemo - never showed up on a mammogram even 3 weeks before the surgery.

commented by Neadi
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 20:47

Good lord!! Well Dane sounds like you are really doing fantastic.

Golly Mary- my tumor was 1cm, but there was the added complication of a pre cancerous lump -2cm in my armpit. I often wonder why I had to have the mastectomy and if it was too radical, but my surgeon was taking no chances.....then lymph node disaster..... I'll find out on Monday what they got, but the nurses are convinced he got it all.....
But 2cm doesn't seem a lot bigger....but the surgeons seem to know what they're at.....

commented by WicklowLady
22 November 2012

22 November 2012 22:23

There is no like with like in this everyone is so different. While my tumour was bigger it hadn't spread anywhere no precancerous cells in the sentinel lymph node so I was lucky. Place your trust in them they won't remove your breast unless its absolutely necessary.

commented by Neadi
23 November 2012

23 November 2012 00:07

Oh I know, which is why he got very little argument from me when we were discussing treatment, but isn't it funny how everybody is so vastly different in the treatment plans they get???

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