Breast cancer
posted by Superwhy
23 July 2013

Surgery next Monday.

Last reply: 01 August 2013 21:54

Any usual tips what to pack and usual info for me.
Having a lumpectomy and axillary clearance.



commented by Resolute
23 July 2013

23 July 2013 18:01

Hello Superwhy

I was only in for one night as I didn't have a full axillary clearance, only lumpectomy and 4 nodes removed. I packed the kitchen sink Image removed. but in the end I didn't even make it out of the hospital gown Image removed. as it was after lunch when I went for surgery and then all I did was sleep!!! Next morning I saw my consultant, and once I knew I was good to go home I was up, dressed and gone!! ... I did feel a bit nauseous for a day or two (I think it was the anaesthetic) but once I got over that I was fine! I did follow their instructions by the letter regarding the wound dressings etc

Resolute Image removed.

commented by encee
23 July 2013

23 July 2013 21:07

Hi Superwhy,

The very best of luck to you with your surgery.

A few things that you might find useful:
Pyjamas with button-down shirt as it'll be tricky getting anything else over your head.
With the axillary clearance you will probably have a couple of drains so if you can get a small bag to hold the "bulb" of the drain as you potter around, it will take the pressure off the drains hanging.
Take face cloths and wipes (I found Andrex wipes brilliant as they seem to be slightly bigger and stronger than baby wipes, but they do grand too). It will be a short while before you venture into the shower so these will do to freshen up.
I find the anaesthetic make me constipated so for my last surgery so I took a laxative the night before surgery and it really helped the day after.
A book and or a bit of music to help you tune out and relax.
Make sure to take any pain killers wen your meant to take them - it really helps recovery.
I would suggest keeping visitors to a minimum (I wasn't allowed ANY visitors at all on my first surgery as there was a bug in hospital; and the relief of not having to look my best and turn on the charm and I got loads of uninterrupted rest. So much so, I enforced a visitor ban for another recent surgery and did well after that too.)
Drink loads of water (it's good for the body and keeps the veins in good shape for your IV's).
If you do have visitors and they ask what you'd line, suggest fruit and raw vegetables - you won't get your 5-a-day in hospital so bring some with you.
When going home, make sure you have a script for pain relief. And try have a button-down shirt for going home with a skirt or trousers easy to pull on, and slip-on shoes. You may not be in form for fiddling with the intricacies of getting dressed so make it as easy for yourself as possible!

Hope it all goes well, take care.

commented by irishindenmark
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 12:48

Hi Superwhy

Just wondering how you got on with the surgery?

Speedy recovery to you Image removed. Misey

commented by Superwhy
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 17:26

Thanks for all the tips. All came in really handy.
Had surgery Monday afternoon. Got home yesterday. Results tomorrow.
Tummy is a bit sore. They said its a reaction to the anesthetic .
Boob or arm isn't sore thank goodness. Doing all my exercises

commented by encee
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 21:35

Good woman yourself

So glad to hear you're in and out with not too much hassle.

I hope you're able to get enough rest now that you are home and that you have a great recovery x

commented by Resolute
01 August 2013

01 August 2013 21:54

Hello Superwhy Image removed.

Delighted that all went well and you are on the road to recovery. Best of luck with your results tomorrow - fingers crossed for you Image removed.


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