Breast cancer
posted by Amaryllis
03 November 2013

Tamoxifen & itchiness

Last reply: 04 November 2013 12:55

I've been reading the posts about Tamoxifen - thanks as always for your great insights. I've been on it since June and apart from hot flushes every night, haven't noticed any other major side effects....except in the past week I've suddenly developed this awful vaginal itch which is driving me crazy.....
Has anybody had anything similar and if so what do you do to relieve it??



commented by youngk
03 November 2013

03 November 2013 11:05

Hi there Amarylis,

I have been on Tamoxifen for 18 months. Have not had the itch you describe but because of the dryness tamoxifen causes I have been prone to soreness and infection for which the doctor prescribed anti-fungal cream (With steroid to aid healing). You may have something similar, suggest you see your GP.

Good luck!


commented by Maimie
03 November 2013

03 November 2013 23:03

Hi Liz
I had the same thing last March, about 3 months after I started taking tamoxifen. I thought I would go crazy with the itch-it was terrible! I hadn't really had any other side effects apart from night sweats at the start and then thinning hair and nails.

My GP recommended a vaginal moisturiser called replens which you can buy across the counter in a pharmacy. I used it for about a week and the itching stopped and has never come back thank goodness! I'm not sure whether the replens sorted it out or whether it just eased of its own accord.

I hope this helps...

commented by Amaryllis
04 November 2013

04 November 2013 12:55

Thanks Maimie & Karen. Going to GP this afternoon so hopefully will get something to give me relief - was awake most of last night with the itch.....

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