Breast cancer
posted by Gtlheart
07 October 2012

Travel insurance.....after breast cancer

Last reply: 10 October 2012 20:51

Hi everyone,
Does anyone know what is the story about travel insurance after having breast cancer. I would like to try and get away early next year when I recover more ( mind and body ) . Thanks
G x



commented by FunkyChick
08 October 2012

08 October 2012 16:08

I renewed annual Travel Insurance no problem.

commented by GlassHalfFull
08 October 2012

08 October 2012 19:52

I just bought a year's travel insurance online through my health insurer and I wasn't asked...... Image removed.

commented by Josephine
08 October 2012

08 October 2012 23:56

Hi all
I'm interested in this also as we had a family holiday booked this year and had to cancel everything. Didn't have travel insurance booked btw! Am hoping to reorganise it next summer.
Whatever about not being asked, is there not some small print where you have to tell them or they might not pay out if you have to claim?

Just as an example of small print, our car was broken into on holiday once and when we tried to claim on the travel insurance, the small print said, no valuables could be claimed for if the car was unoccupied at the time of break in!!! Gosh was I sorry I wasn't in the car when they smashed the window....

commented by FunkyChick
09 October 2012

09 October 2012 08:55

Understand your concern but I also have my Travel Insurance with my Health Insurer & it specifically states that current illness's are covered. They were fully aware of my situation when I renewed. I currently have not Life Insurance & understand that I would be refused any sort of cover until 5 yrs post treatment & at that I'll be loaded Image removed.Image removed.

commented by Marathon Man
10 October 2012

10 October 2012 20:51

Hi Gtlheart,
There usually isn't a problem with Travel Insurance, as long as you are over surgery and are not travelling against medical advice. It's a good idea to check things out well in advance with your G.P. Also check your insurance's Terms & Conditions. Forewarned is best.

....But having said all that....shouldn't be a problem.

Wrt FunkyChick's comment on Life insurance (including Mortgage Protection), I'm afraid most of us here on these forums are now uninsurable.....But we're here! Image removed.

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