My prostate cancer. The follow-up.
I recently returned to St Vincents to attend an out-patients clinic in the Urology Dept. I had my prostate removed last September and my PSA blood test back in October was .003. My new test also showed a reassuring .003. I was delighted and felt great. My only slight complaint was that I occasionally had difficulty maintaining an erection long enough to be satifying. I had been prescribed a well known blue pill to help but it was only a 50mg strength. The cancer nurse recommended this be increased to 75mg.
I live a normal life after the op and have no trouble with incontinence. I
still do pelvic floor exercises on a regular basis and am maintaining a good sex life with my partner of 2years. I had my left kidney removed because of cancer 6 years ago and have no problems there either.
I will be attending out patients clinics for at least the next 5 years every 6 months. This is reassuring as they can keep an eye on me.
Hi JimCo,
Thank you so much for the update. Great to hear that you are doing so well.
A friend of mine was diagnosed with prostate cancer recently so it's very encouraging to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I wish you all the best for your ongoing recovery.