Healthy living
posted by Summer73
31 August 2010

Did anyone change their diet after Breast Cancer?

Last reply: 07 December 2012 21:27

Just wondering how many of you changed your diet after your diagnosis?

I'm veering more and more towards the Raw Diet. The more I read about it, the more I wonder if our diet is playing a major role in developing breast cancer.

I've began juicing a lot and am looking at getting cleaner water into my house aswell.

Any input would be great.





commented by FH2
31 August 2010

31 August 2010 22:04

Hey Summer73,

I have definitely changed my diet after diagnosis. I reduced alcohol intake and processed foods and started filtering my water among other things.

Did you read Bernadette Bohan's book The Choice? She highly recommends juicing and filtered water and eating food as raw as poss. I have introduced some of her suggestions gradually but I am afraid I have neither the finance nor the strength of will at the moment to go fully into it. But with baby steps, I have made improvements and hope to continue doing so.


commented by Summer73
02 September 2010

02 September 2010 18:33

Very good. Any bit helps I think.

Yes, I read her last book which I liked. Bit extreme for me but I'm on a 50% raw diet now which I'm happy enough with. Slowly introducing new foods, as you say yourself.

commented by FH2
03 September 2010

03 September 2010 12:25

I found it a bit extreme too when I heard about it first but then I met her at the Gary Kelly Centre (she did a talk one evening). She is lovely and very down to earth. She doesn't push what she does at all. She says just start with one thing and see how you go. And then make another change if and when you feel like it.

She is a great advertisement for her book, she looks fantastic! If you are on a 50% raw diet, you are almost there! Thats pretty impressive. Are you juicing too? Bernadette highly recommended sprouting broccoli (and other sprouts). Its cheaper to grow them yourself, they are quick growing like watercress and nice to add to sambos and salads, etc. But if you want to try them before you invest in a tray, etc (or you are likely to kill them, like me!) then you can buy them in cartons in Tesco now. I really like them!

But after all that healty food advice, I have to admit I had a full bottle of white wine last night when a friend called over - ouchy today!!!

commented by Summer73
05 September 2010

05 September 2010 19:55

Hi Flo,

I haven't done any sprouting but my sister did it a few years ago and it was pretty impressive. I juice every day I can and try to have a fruit smoothy with Rice Milk added.

Trying to stay of dairy which is difficult, especially if you're visiting a friend and having tea or coffee there but doing my best.

I still drink alcohol too, to be honest, I haven't cut down an awful lot since I was diagnosed. I feel I want to live as normal a life as possible and am willing to make as many changes as I feel are right for me right now.

I must look out for those sprouting trays in Tesco. I do grow my own wheatgrass and juice that every day, thats really easy to grow.

commented by FH2
06 September 2010

06 September 2010 17:25

Hey again,

Sorry, its not the sprouting trays that are in Tesco, its little cartons of the sprouts themselves.

I must try the wheatgrass myself. Do you need a special type of juicer for it?


commented by Sarah E
24 September 2010

24 September 2010 11:30

Hi Flo,

You need a masticating juicer for juicing wheatgrass.


commented by FH2
27 September 2010

27 September 2010 14:15

thanks Sarah,

I thought so. Will have to start saving, I believe the masticating ones are fairly expensive!!!


commented by Sarah E
28 September 2010

28 September 2010 22:12

Hi Flo,
This healthy living is expensive! However, wheatgrass is cheap to grow. I came across a Compact juicer on an Irish website today at 180 euro (a little cheaper than previous years). It is a good juicer. There are also manual juicers available for wheatgrass juicing, but I'm not sure what they are like to use. Sarah.

commented by jennette
07 December 2012

07 December 2012 21:27

Hi - I am taking salvestrols and my breast cancers are shrinking - do look them up on 'salvestrols atwork' = or just look up salvestrol case studies.

Best wishes Jennette

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