Bowel cancer
posted by Mrs C
23 March 2021

Question re rectal cancer/surgery

Last reply: 20 April 2021 20:47

My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer last june he had mets on his liver. He completed his radiation and chemo treatment and he also overcome covid at xmas! He had 5 spots on his liver he was scheduled for surgery to burn the tumors bout 1 month ago now, when they went into do the surgery there were no spots visable great news. He is now awaiting his rectal surgery to remove the tumor, the surgeon told him 2 weeks ago he would need a permanent bag and he would need to see a plastic surgeon, it was alot of info to get his head around at the time. Since that he a scope last week and they were very happy with it only a scar left he is having an mri this week because tumor had grown into the muscle, the nurse rang to cancel our app with the plastic surgeon which means bag may not b permanent? Nurse didn't want to commit to answering my questions when asked which i completely understand. my question is is it normal for a surgeon to give you news like he got 2 weeks ago then a week later change of plan?? Is it possible he mite only have a temporary bag or maybe no surgery at all??



commented by Mrs C
23 March 2021

23 March 2021 22:13

Meant to say hes in his early 4o's

commented by tessiebear07
20 April 2021

20 April 2021 20:47

Wow that's fantastic news that your husband has no spots on his liver. I was diagnosed last Aug with Stage 4 Colon cancer that has spread to my lungs. I had 6 rounds of chemo and then had surgery to remove the tumour in my colon at Xmas. I had a temp bag with an ileostomy and after 6 more chemo sessions I am going back for the reversal early May. I'm thinking if the nurse cancelled plastic surgery then he may only have a temp bag or maybe none. They are very guarded with their info and only answer the exact q you ask I find.. I would ring the consultant/ surgeon and ask exactly if he needs the bag. The bag is just a stop gap to give the colon time to heal and then they join it back up. Did the surgeon say he is definitely going for surgery to remove the tumour?

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