Hi I am 64 and was diagnosed in Feb Invasive Ductal, Grade 1, Tubular. ER & PR+. Had lumpectomy, radiotherapy and started Anastroloze in March. I am finding the side effects difficult, mainly Fatigue, sleep issues, cognitive impairment and low mood . I also have bone pain, nausea and my bad cholesterol has doubled. I need to work as self employed and live alone. Some days fatigue really bad. I am considering stopping taking this but that causes me more anxiety. I am not prepared to take more medication for side effects or change medication as they all seem to be the same . I am due in Oncology soon and wonder 1 what questions to ask re Risks in stopping/taking and 2 if anyone else has stopped ??. I am trying to weigh up quality of life Vs recurrence risk
Hi Hope2023, I am on Letrozole for the past 18 months with the same side effects. My side affects have settled down a good bit and I found the following helpful: try to get out walking it can help with the fatigue, yoga & joint supplements are helping with the joint pain & stiffness, I am on a mild anti depressant which has helped me enormously, and o found GinGins - you can get them in health food stores very helpful for the nausea, I cut each one into 3 pieces as they are quite chewy, but the 3rd of a piece works very well. Cholesterol has shot up, I have worked hard to avoid certain foods etc and getting bloods checked again this week so fingers crossed that has settled. It can be a bit overwhelming with all the side affects in the beginning but they do settle x
Hi Hope,
I hope you get a reply to your post soon.
Hope, it is common to experience side effects from Anastrozole – these usually settle down after the first few months.
However, if they are severe or last longer it is advisable to talk to your doctor or breast care cancer Nurse. They can advise you best on your alternative options.
Hope, do not hesitate to contact us on our support line 1800 200 700 if you would like to talk about this further.
Kind regards
Cancer Nurse