Breast cancer
posted by Dane7
04 October 2012

Any pre menopausal women who can't take Tamoxifen

Last reply: 04 October 2012 16:57


I am 46 and due to a propensity to get clots I won't be offered Tamoxifen so will be offered Femara or Arimidex.

Any ladies out there in my situation?

How did you get on with Femara or Arimidex? What were the side effects like?

Any tips?


1 comment


commented by LindyLu
04 October 2012

04 October 2012 16:57

Hi Dane

Am premeno but on a clinical trial (SOFT Trial - supression of ovarian function) that has me in a medically induced menopause. I am taking another AI (aromatase inhibitor) called Aromastin (or examesthane).

I do experience some joint discomfort first thing in the morning and then there is all the other side effects of menopause - low libido, dryness etc, but if it keeps the beast away, I will take anything!

It is not uncommon for premeno to go on an AI if they cant tolerate for medical or side effect reasons, tamox.

Hard to know what your own side effects will be. Exercise, healthy diet, limited alchol are all the good things you should be doing to help alieviate some SE. While I try to be good, I have to confess to having had FOUR choc bicsuits this avo!!


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