Breast cancer
posted by cherry81
09 April 2018

Biopsy Results

Last reply: 10 April 2018 13:48

I went to my GP about 7 weeks ago as I had a tenderness in my left breast.
He didnt think there was anything to worry about but sent me to a breast specalist to check just in case. I met this Dr who said my physical exam on both breasts was normal but he referred me for a mammogram (my first) as theres a family history (my grandmother)
Anyway mammogram showed 1.2cm lesion on my right breast.This was confirmed by ultrasoud and i had biospies taken.This was 12 days ago and i`m still waiting for results.
Just wondering if this wait time is normal.

1 comment


commented by Irish Cancer Society
10 April 2018

10 April 2018 13:48
Dear Cherry81, Thank you for your message. It can take up to 2 full weeks and longer including non-working days with public holidays and weekends for biopsy results. It is a very, naturally, difficult time when waiting on results. If you are feeling worried and concerned, you can call the breast clinic for further guidance. The Nurseline is available on 1800 200 700 Monday- Friday 0900-1700 if you would like to talk to a nurse.
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