Breast cancer
posted by Madge1
23 September 2012

Breast cancer conference

Last reply: 29 September 2012 20:17

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone is planning on going to Dublin castle on the 29th would really love to meet some like minded people also nervous about it. Would like to know how others feel.

Love to all x



commented by Dane7
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 08:40

Hi Madge

I have registered to go. One week post surgery this morning so hope to be there on Saturday.


commented by FunkyChick
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 09:49

Go Girls!!!

attended this for the last 2 yrs & found it great. Conference is first class but you can't beat meeting up with people in your own situation, found this most helpful. Have registered but hope to be in Beaumont for my re-con, awaiting call for bed for Weds, if no bed will see you there.

commented by wilmaone
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 10:39

Hi ladies
Am hoping to go sat,have registered just trying to get babysitting organised as hubby away!!!

Hope to see ye there.

commented by Madge1
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 11:25


Thanks for replies have registered now just have to muster up the courage to go Image removed. hope to see you there.
Good luck with surgery really hope bed is available and your not left waiting.

Madge x

commented by Madge1
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 11:28


Hope babysitter works out for you will have to try organise that too Image removed.

commented by GlassHalfFull
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 15:01


Ya I've signed up to go too with my Mum (we're coming up from Cork). And I'm a little apprehensive too. This will be my first time since diagnosis going to anything like this. I'm sure we won't be the only nervous ones there. I'll go if you go...... Image removed.

Sarah. X

commented by Josephine
24 September 2012

24 September 2012 22:59

Hi girls
Dane7 you are inspiring me to get my act together for sat! I will be having next chemo on wed and wondering if I'm able for sat. You are great to go so soon after surgery. Hope to see you all there. Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
25 September 2012

25 September 2012 11:34

Hi Ladies

I have been to the last three BC conferenes and am going on saturday tho I can only stay till after lunchtime.

If you are thinking of going but a little nervous about going on your own, please don't be. First year I went with other ladies I have met on this journey but since then I have gone alone but have never felt alone if ya know what I mean.

EVERYONE you meet will be or have been in same boat as you and they are all there to support and chat so dont feel embarrased or nervous going along.

There will be all shapes and sizes, bald heads, wigs, full head of hair, eyebrows missing, surgical drains etc etc.

Honestly you wont be disappointed, you will feel so much better after it (if a little tired from all the talking!!!)


commented by wilmaone
26 September 2012

26 September 2012 20:19

Anyone know if I can pop in late morning or do you have to be there for 9.30am?problems with babysitter


commented by Madge1
27 September 2012

27 September 2012 11:22

Hi Wilmaone

I can't see it being a problem you are hardly going to be turned away for being late! Good luck with going don't think I am going to be able to afford to go! Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
28 September 2012

28 September 2012 13:37

Wilmaone, people come and go. Registration is from 9.30 with kick off at 10am. They wont turn you away if you are late!

commented by wilmaone
28 September 2012

28 September 2012 22:38

Hi ladies
Not going to make tomorrow!!really disappointed but can't be helped babysitting issues.I hope it goes really well for all who go.

Xxx W

commented by Dane7
29 September 2012

29 September 2012 20:17


Although I didn't manage to meet anyone from here I thought the conference was good and well worth attending.


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