Breast cancer
posted by Neidi
10 August 2014

Breast Pain

Last reply: 12 August 2014 21:36

Evening ladies, hope all is well with you all. Just a quick question- am having my third A/C on Tuesday and finding it quite tough but what Im noticing is that my beast I had the lumpectomy on is quiet painful at times. Darting pains Image removed. Just wondering if any of you had experienced that or should I say something on Tuesday to the nurses?

Thanks x



commented by GlassHalfFull
11 August 2014

11 August 2014 15:43


Any pain freaks you out doesn't it? Definitely say it to your nurse and have it checked out coz that'll give you peace of mind.

I had my lumpectomy 2yrs ago and I still have pain (not a lot and not all the time) and I was told that it's scar tissue. Sometimes is just a dull ache and it always there and then other times I have that darting, stinging pain that you mentioned.

Some women are left with scar tissue pain and others aren't. But it's just another of the things that we're left with that we learn to cope with. It all becomes part of the 'new' normal.

I'm sure you're absolutely fine but as I say have it checked out anyway.
Best of luck .

commented by happymum
11 August 2014

11 August 2014 22:24

Hi Neidi,
The best of luck with your treatment.I too had a lumpectomy last December and have had constant darting pain at times , it has eased in frequency and intensity in last month or so.The consultant told me it is nerve pain , that nerve endings are reattaching after surgery and is completely normal and can go on for a while. I hope this helps you but definitely say it to the nurse just to be sure also.

commented by Neidi
12 August 2014

12 August 2014 21:36

Hello again! So 3rd A/C completed- feeling rough but on the countdown to my last one in three weeks. Really hoping I find the Taxol a bit handier. Thank you so much for the great advice as always much appreciated and spot on. Think I really am a bit fixated on my boobies Image removed. The nurse thinks its just surgery/nerve pain but thanks a mill for the comments and giving me peace of mind xxxxxx

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