Breast cancer
posted by MollyAB
03 October 2020

Breast Thickening

Last reply: 08 October 2020 09:53

Breast Clinic
I was referred to the Breast Clinic Eccles St 3 weeks ago, for a thickened area in my breast. I attended my appointment yesterday and had a mammogram done. I was expecting to see a Doctor and be examined and perhaps have an ultrasound or biopsy which didn’t happen. I thought there must be some mistake here. I was then told I would wait 3 weeks for results of the mammogram, It’s so worrying and stressful and the system seems to work so slowly. If I go private for a triple assessment would I be able to be treated in the public system if there is was a problem.

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
08 October 2020

08 October 2020 09:53

Hi Molly,

I am sorry you are going through this anxious time waiting for your test results.

All patient’s GP referral letters that are sent to the breast clinic are assessed first. Due to COVID 19 the pathways in which people are examined have changed, as in your case you had a mammogram first. Once the mammogram is reported on, a return appointment is arranged for a physical examination with the doctor.  Depending on what is seen on the mammogram and/or after the doctors assessment, further imaging and testing may be arranged.

Going privately would not influence what tests should be done but patients have a choice to go between public and private clinics .

It is hard to wait for test results and if you find it helpful you can phone our support line and speak to a cancer nurse at 1800 200 700, Mon-Fri. 9-5pm.

Kind regards

Cancer Nurse

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