Breast cancer
posted by wilmaone
28 April 2013

bruising for no reason

Last reply: 30 April 2013 16:32

Hi all
Just wondering I have started waking up with bruises that I know were not there before.I haven't hit myself or bumped and they are not sore,just a brownish colour and a new one yesterday looked like a normal bruise and today I woke up and its bigger and a horrible pink/purple colour.Definitely not the hubby in his sleep!!!!!
I am also tired all the time.Anyone else have anything like this?
I'm in with oncologist tomorrow for routine check up but don't want to be a fuss pot if its normal.




commented by LindyLu
28 April 2013

28 April 2013 21:34

Don't have a clue, but I would mention it to onc especially as you are seeing him/her tomorrow. They might want to run some blood tests.

Best of luck.


commented by Irish Cancer Society
30 April 2013

30 April 2013 16:10

Hi Wilmoane,

I hope you are getting on well after your treatment for breast cancer. It must have been a difficult time for you and the family.
I am glad you have an appointment with your oncologist. Although trauma is the most common cause of bruising, certain medical conditions can cause bruising for no apparent reason, even when blunt trauma hasn't occurred. Most bruises form when there is blunt force to the surface of the skin, causing bleeding underneath the skin surface to occur. Certain medications too can alter the activity of platelets, blood components which play an important role in blood clotting.

The Irish Cancer Society Helpline specialist nurses would be happy to talk to you in confidence on our National Cancer Helpline at FreeFone 1800 200 700 (Mon – Thur, 9am – 7pm and Fri 9am -5pm).

With best wishes,
Cancer Information Service Nurse

commented by wilmaone
30 April 2013

30 April 2013 16:32

Thank you lindy lu and webmaster.

I saw oncologist have had lots of bloods done so just waiting to hear back.he said they should be back this morn so as I haven't heard anything I'm going on the no news is good news plan.he took me off tamoxifen till I see him again in 2 fingers crossed .

Thanks again

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