Breast cancer
posted by sunshine71
09 May 2013


Last reply: 13 May 2013 17:05

[color=#800040:cf406n61]Wondering what peoples thoughts are on this. Just thinking how many 'negative' images there are out there with regards to cancer. I personally hate the use of 'she/he lost their cancer battle' or 'she fought her illness bravely ' etc. It sort of gives the image that people who get well do it through choice and people who don't didn't 'fight/battle' long or hard enough. People are said to be 'courageous, brave and never complain', yet I know I'm not always brave or courageous and have certainly complained when I was in huge pain. I was also angry and really annoyed at times.

In my mind cancer is like any other medical illness. It comes into your life and you do your best to get the best medical outcome. Whether you get well or not, like lots of other medical conditions, depends on a lot of things.

I would also say that experiencing cancer has had its positive moments, funny moments and lifechanging moments. I was forced to take time out to get treatment for my cancer and in doing that I took time out of a busy life and realised that if I had time for this I can also make time for other things in my life. LIfe is only as busy as I make it. I've had funny 'no hair' moments, met some amazing people along the way.

Would I change things.....most definately YES. I would prefer not to have cancer. But I've no regrets about what I've learnt about myself.....only wish I could have done it some other way, some other time. [/color:cf406n61]



commented by youngk
09 May 2013

09 May 2013 16:22

well said!

commented by WicklowLady
09 May 2013

09 May 2013 20:41

Everything you say is so so true. I just feel there was bugger all we can or could do about it so we have to try and take the positives and good things out if it and as I say if you can carry on with life without the dreaded cancer you once had then happy days. I have a work colleague/friend only 48 who is terminally ill since st Patrick's day and had little time left. Imagine being dealt that card, so I suppose we have to embrace life and cherish it.

commented by encee
09 May 2013

09 May 2013 22:49

Hi Sunshine
I was looking at some of the old posts (well, beginning of the year), when we didn't know what way was up, there was a big anti-climax to trying to get on with things, and life wasn't smelling hugely of roses.

I hope you feel as proud as you should feel for having come so far. I wonder are things beginning to feel a bit lighter because we have learnt to accept our new norm?! Image removed.

Continued good health xxx

commented by FunkyChick
12 May 2013

12 May 2013 20:10

am so with you on this one, I cannot understand why people only say these things when cancer is involved, there are so many other illnesses out there & they never use these words in regards to them. I think we should start a campaign on this one, every time someone uses one of these words we should correct them, politely of course, but question their use of words & why they use them....will probably lose all my friends if I do this!! Image removed.

commented by Kathleen
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 17:05

I absolutely agree with you all.

I hate the cancer vocabulary. The myth that we just have to 'fight' hard enough or be sufficiently 'positive' is not only ridiculous but also highly insulting to all of those poor people whose treatment does not work for whatever reason (late diagnosis, agressive tumour, lack of symptoms ...).

As for being brave, well all I ever did was show up for my appointments Image removed.

I also hate the 'journey' metaphor. Cancer is not trivial, it is devastating. Calling the whole thing a journey makes it sound as if it is an ordinary event.

And I agree too that while cancer is devastating in so many ways, it is definitely a cloud with a silver lining. I met so many wonderful people and had so many amazing things done for me and said to me during my treatment that in many ways it was indeed a positive experience. If only all of that could have happened without any 'fighting' being called for or any feats of bravery or any journeying!


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