Breast cancer
posted by yaya
28 February 2011

Cant seem to get date for reconstruction surgery

Last reply: 21 March 2011 12:26

Hi Girls,
I am 39 and had a left mascectomy in Feb 2011 with immediate reconstruction with a tissue expander. I was told exchange would take place in august. However I am still chasing a date for operation. I am really upset as want it finished but Breast Nurses have been telling me it is not possible yet as Surgeon too busy. Its been seven months since i should have had it and 13 months since expander inserted so I am really fed up waiting. I am in waterford. Has anyone had any hassle like this anywhere else? Im wondering should I get transferred to a different Hospital and get it done as I have vhi. Do any of you have any ideas? I love all your posts so helpful



commented by hopeful2
01 March 2011

01 March 2011 15:39


i know how you feel, slightly different though, i was not eligible for immediate reconstruction so had to have delayed reconstruction, had a modified radical left breast macestomy in may 2009, only finished treatment last june, had to be a few months off drug for reconstruction, met the surgeon, feb or march expected date but now told no elective surgeries in the hospital due to bed shortages so will be lucky if its this year, was hoping to be recovered before the summer, i am only eligible for one type lati dorsi with implant. i also have vhi but makes no diff we are all on the same list, which in a way is only fair but enough already. (watched too many American soaps).

i cant wait, i am sick of granny bras, scars and holes everywhere and my very unattractive rubber duck (a.k.a. prosthetic). i just want to put all the surgeries and pain behind me and move on but am in limbo at the minute while waiting on my betty boobs. i am in limerick, i believe it is quicker in Dublin but that would be a nightmare travel wise, while back and front sore. i suppose on the plus it gives the radiated side a extra recovery time.

commented by yaya
03 March 2011

03 March 2011 21:23

Hi Hopeful2,
Thanks for replying. I hope you do get to have your surgery soon. It is so hard waiting as you just want to get it done and try get some normality rather than thinking about reconstruction everyday.
I went for the tissue expander and implant because it was the only one available by surgeons here and I didn't fancy the traveling either. The recovery time suited as I have young kids.
I never considered the waiting time but Ill just have to mellow out I think!!!
Ill keep tormenting them though!!
Good luck with yours hopeful2.

commented by LindyLu
03 March 2011

03 March 2011 22:32

If you are not doing it already can I suggest hassling admissions at the hospital. If you can figure out who handles your surgeon in admissions you could phone them every 2 weeks.

I was treated in Beaumont in Dublin, obviously a bigger hospital. I booked an earlier than normal apt with the plastics man. I insisted on being put on a waiting list one month after finishing rads on the basis that I would be waiting at least 6 mths. When 7 months came, I phoned admissions. It took about 2 calls before I managed to figure out who I needed to be talking to. I phoned them and spoke to them about 3 times over an 8 a week period before I eventually got the call. I was treated as a public patient throughout. Those that annoy do get bumped so my plastics man admitted.

Your breast care nurse may be phobing you off so be sure to get on to admissions.

Good luck.


commented by yaya
09 March 2011

09 March 2011 19:59

Hi Lindylu,
I think you are right about being fobbed off. I rang the Unit manager and complained about not receiving another date after my surgery was cancelled. I got to meet the Surgeon who said I had fallen through a gap in the system. I don't know how that happened as I was constantly ringing.I have a date now for surgery so im happy with that. It really showed me that you have to fight your own corner and not just rely on the system to work.
Thanks so much for all your advice.

commented by FH2
11 March 2011

11 March 2011 14:44

Hi Yaya,

Congrats on getting your date for exchange surgery. My sister just had hers done this week and it looks very good. Be warned though, that you could still be bumped if there is a bed shortage for that day/week. My poor cousin has had her exchange cancelled THREE times!!! Hopefully this will not happen to you.

Oh, and my surgeon says that he prefers to leave expanders in for more than 6 months after expansion is finished because it lets everything relax and gives a better natural droop and crease under the implant. So maybe its all for the best??

Good luck with your op. When is it?


commented by yaya
15 March 2011

15 March 2011 21:34

Hi FH2,
My surgery is 6th April. Hopefully it will go ahead but who knows!!! My Sister has just been diagnosed with Cancer in both breasts and in Lung so thats thrown my whole world upside down again. She is quite sick and has started Chemo as they cant operate. I would be glad to get my surgery done just so I can concentrate on her. She is only 39 a year older than me. Their is no other history of it in family but i suppose it has to start somewhere. Wish it was the lotto run rather than the cancer run that We got to start Image removed.
Thanks so much for replying.

commented by RoxAnn
17 March 2011

17 March 2011 10:56

oh YaYa, that is difficult - please god your sister will get on well with chemo and will have your support to see her through it.
good luck with the recon op - its a good time of year to be recovering after op - less flu's and bugs in the hospital - cutting the risk of infection.
Our thoughts with you and your sister.


commented by FH2
21 March 2011

21 March 2011 12:26


I am really sorry to hear of your sister's diagnosis. Its very unusual for both of you to be diagnosed at such a young age. Because of this, your docs may suggest genetic testing to see if you both have a BrCa gene mutation (I do, if you need to talk about it further). Although you don't seem to have a history of breast cancer in your family, it is possible that a genetic mutation came down the male side of the family and so is therefore not very evident (as the male BC risk is much lower than the female).

What chemo and treatment have they proposed for her? This must be very tough for all of you. Image removed.


I'm heading into hospital this evening for an op tomorrow but hope to be back online by the end of the week.

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