Breast cancer
posted by Georgie123
14 April 2014

Chemo stopped due to side effects

Last reply: 27 April 2014 11:10


Hospital decided to stop chemo as I have been experiencing some side effects. Only 3 taxol left out of 12. As much as I hate the sessions, I am more annoyed at nit being able to continue. Worrying factor is have I had enough to do the job. Side effects are nails discolouring and seeping, i will loose one or two toe nails.i a few nose bleeds along the way, aa nd bits of nausea with tiredness. asked day doc to continue but whe would not allow this. Has anyone elsa e had their treatment shortened for side effects? An appointment will be made with my onc doc, but could be 2/3 weeks away.

Hope everyone keeling well.



commented by Mel1
14 April 2014

14 April 2014 21:24

Hi Georgie, sorry to hear your chemo was stopped. Was it not your oncologist who decided to stop the taxol or at least was he or she made aware you were stopping? That seems a bit strange to be honest. I see different doctors when I go for my chemo but my consultant oncologist is always floating about and I've also had meetings with her. I don't think I'd be too happy if a dr who wasn't my oncologist made such a decision to be honest. Is there any way of contacting oncologist to discuss your concerns?


commented by Georgie123
14 April 2014

14 April 2014 21:51

Hi Mel,

Thanks for reply, it's only when someone throws a question at you, that you start to think outside the box. It wasn't my onc. Doc but the day doc on duty. I have been onto a few friends for thoughts on this also. I will be ringing breast care to look into for me, if I have an infection I should probably have been given a prescription to help clear it up ja order to try carryon with last two chemosynthesis, instead of being told that i maynot get anymore. Maybe no prescription being issued was an oversight, I will also check this out. Have not had surgery yet, the amount of surgery ja have will depend on size of lump, so missing out on 3 sessions is a bit daunting.

Take care, all suggestions welcome.


commented by youngk
14 April 2014

14 April 2014 22:13

Hi Georgie,

I had a bad reaction to Taxol (I was due to get 4 doses 2 weeks apart). When I explained my symptoms (constant severe pain in my finger nails for 2 weeks) the doctor called an oncologist straight away (mine was away so I saw the other one) He decided to switch me to Taxotere instead (same family of drugs, slightly different side effects) I am surprised they changed your treatment so significantly without consulting an oncologist.

I hope you get some answers soon!

Good luck,

commented by Mel1
15 April 2014

15 April 2014 13:27

Hi georgie
You are definitely right to question this decision further and get meeting with your oncologist to discuss this decision. Your side effects don't sound very bad to me as I also get tired and I would have thought nausea could have been controlled with anti nausea drugs. Luckily I've had no issues with my nails so can't advise on this. Hopefully you will get answers from oncologist soon. Also let them know how unhappy you are and as suggested above ask about changing to alternative form of drug.

Good luck

commented by encee
17 April 2014

17 April 2014 17:51

Hi Georgie

Hoping you're ok; I'm sure you must be anxious to have this resolved once and for all? I was on Taxol once a week for 12 weeks just like you - towards the end, the soles of my feet were getting tingly so they stopped my very last regimen. Not quite the same as you & I don't know if it helps, but I thought it might be useful for you to know.

Best of luck, and hope everything goes ok for you from here on x

commented by spudburf
20 April 2014

20 April 2014 17:01

Hi Georgie, I had huge problems with my chemo. Was started on Taxotere and had an allergic reaction so after my A/C I started on Taxol for 12 weeks. Throughout I had numerous problems, ie, anaemia, bowel problems, etc so it was stopped and started again and I finally got to 12 sessions on 28th March!! I've been on chemo for 10 months with all the stops and starts!! But it was all done under the supervision of my oncologist so you should certainly talk to him/her before making any more decisions and don't panic as you'll have your appointment shortly.

I've just had my MRI to see the size of the tumour and am booked for surgery on 12th May!

Best of luck Georgie and let me know how you get on. Image removed.

commented by Georgie123
23 April 2014

23 April 2014 14:20

Hi All,

I spoke with my oncologist and also surgeon consultant t this week. All have decided that the side effects of further taxol outweigh the tumour shrinkage and are stopping chemo. Feel a little more assured that it's ok not to continue treatment as they both were able to answer any questions I threw out. Basically my body is exhausted from treatment and nail lifting, loss and discolouration, in my case, is indicating this.
Had a mammogram and ultra sound also, tumour has shrunk to 1.7 cm and I may have to have partial mas stormy, I have to see consultant next week to confirm this once he has looked over scans. Radiologist has said that they may take a further biopsy of tissue to make sure partial will be enough and there are no cells lurking else where in breast. Fingers crossed the cancer cells are grouped together.
Thanks for all the responses.

commented by Mel1
26 April 2014

26 April 2014 17:49

Hi Georgie,
I'm glad you got answers to your concerns. Sometimes we just want to know the reasons why certain decisions are made and in your case that your oncologist was aware that your taxol was stopped and that it was the right course of action for you. Also it's no harm to speak up. Your treatment was stopped and you needed to know why.

Good luck,

commented by Kathleen
27 April 2014

27 April 2014 10:11

Hi Georgie,

Just wanted to say that my onco only ever planned to do 9 weekly taxol sessions. In any case it was enough. Like you I was starting to get some severe side effects.

If your onco has decided to not do any more treatments it is because she reckons the risks outweigh any possible benefits at this point.

It is now just over 2 years since my last taxol and so far, touch wood and thank God, all my tests have been fine.

Hope this helps. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your chemo and may the rest of your treatment go as well as possible. Image removed.



commented by WicklowLady
27 April 2014

27 April 2014 11:10

My father has peripheral neuropathy as a result if getting too much chemo. His quality of life is depleted enormously so I think you're better getting out before it damages your long term health

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