Breast cancer
posted by mlnecraft
01 April 2013

cold sore

Last reply: 02 April 2013 22:11

morning all,hope it has been a good easter for everyone ,well i had my second chemo last tuesday and it went much better than the first one ,i just want advice on a nasty cold sore i now have under my chin ,i missed it coming up ,just thought it was a rash ,but it is a cold sore ,itchy and sore ,horrible to look at ,i normaly would let it alone and not put anything on it .i covered it with a zinc codliveroil cream so i wont spread it ,are these normal durning chemo ,also should i take a vitiman supplement ,thank you all i find your advice to be real and very helpful .My small problem today lol..,



commented by WicklowLady
01 April 2013

01 April 2013 10:57

Yes having a lovely easter, away in hotel in carlingford, very nice.

Are you positive it's a cold sore? It could be a form of shingles, which can be common when your immune system dives. Did you let them know you had it? You really should be asking the hospital what they prescribe as chemo is a poison and we don't get normal things. The hospital couldn't emphasise enough to me that I tell them everything and they would sort it for me. You have to put your life in their hands for the duration of your treatment. Hope the rest if your chemo goes ok.

commented by Ania
01 April 2013

01 April 2013 12:27

Hi glad your chemo is getting better for you. I wouldn't take any supplements without taking to the oncology team first, u never know what could interfere with the chemo. They get questions like this all the time so I would have any problems running it past them first!

commented by mlnecraft
02 April 2013

02 April 2013 22:00

Wicklow lady your sooo good,I did ring the hospital on Saturday and it was just like a rash so the said it was possible a reaction to the stertiod then it was worse on Sunday ,rang again today and went in to see the oncologist ,he is thinking shingles I did have a cold score there about 6 years ago on the very area it is now ,so glad I rang back ,don't want to be annoying anyone ,so got tablets to take and clears it up,I knew one of the ladies on here would know,mania and Wicklow lady its very hard to actually get to grips with the fact that I am I'll and all these new things are not normal but because of the chemo , thank you both for the reply

commented by WicklowLady
02 April 2013

02 April 2013 22:11

Years ago before I ever got cancer I got a small dose of shingles on my neck and they've come back three or four times over the years that's why I was terrified it hey would come back while I was on chemo but it hasn't yet . I still wouldn't think I was out of the woods yet. Shingles is a type of herpes/cold sore and it can lie dormant but it never goes away so when our immune system is low it's likely to rear its ugly head again. I'm glad you are getting better and I'm glad we were of help and if there is anything else you'd like to ask please do. We are all here for each other. It's a lot to take in but you get kind of used to it but crave normality at the same time. Since I started radiotherapy on the 9th match I've dreadful joint pain, fingers, elbows etc. and am having terrible pain in my shin bone which I broke nearly five years ago. It's not easy sometimes but we are all still here so can't comPlain

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