Breast cancer
posted by Capricorn
21 June 2012

Dealing with major reflux(acid) on top of chemo every 2weeks

Last reply: 27 June 2012 09:21

Image removed.Image removed.
I am having chemo every 2 weeks I have suffered from GERD or Reflux (acid) for years, controlled it with a nightly pill. but the chemo seems to have brought on excess acid 100 times over, got medication from my doctor but like taking smarties, anyone out there in a similar situation, perhaps could give me some tips, it is not my diet as I am very careful what I eat in fact I am afraid to even eat in case this awful acid starts bounding up my body again
I get cough in my lungs from the acid, have just started a course of antibotics to help in order to be ready for my next session on 29th June
I started May have done 4 sessions every 2 weeks on drug A&B
Start session 5 29th June on Drug C, My tumour in my breast has been reduced from over 4cms now to 1cms I am happy with this positive news to date, if only I could get some relief for the 'ACID' attacks
Treatment going to plan. last chemo 10th August, some weeks later surgery, then radiation dont know how much yet
Capricorn Cork

1 comment


commented by Irish Cancer Society
27 June 2012

27 June 2012 09:21

Dear Capricorn,

It must be most uncomfortable for you suffering with gastric problems. Keep your doctor informed about how you are especially if there is no improvement with your heartburn. It is a common complaint whilst on chemotherapy. Make sure also that you have a good regular bowel habit too.

Some tips that may help:
[*:15fr9pfm]Do not eat for 3-4 hours before bedtime[/*:m:15fr9pfm]
[*:15fr9pfm]Elevate the end of your bed[/*:m:15fr9pfm]
[*:15fr9pfm]Avoid citrus fruits, alcohol and reduce fatty foods[/*:m:15fr9pfm]
[*:15fr9pfm]Cut down on caffeine, chocolate, teas and coffee [/*:m:15fr9pfm]
[*:15fr9pfm]Sometimes anti-nausea medicine alongside antacids may be helpful and you can ask your doctor about this[/*:m:15fr9pfm][/list:u:15fr9pfm]

The Irish Cancer Society has a booklet on “Diet and Cancer” and you can download it as a PDF from the link below. It may be of some help. Do not hesitate to ring our National Cancer Information Helpline on 1800 200 700 if you have any other queries and a specialist nurse will speak to you in confidence.

[url=… Diet and Cancer (PDF)[/url:15fr9pfm]

With best wishes,
Cancer Information Service Nurse.

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