Breast cancer
posted by deefed
11 January 2013

During Chemo do you see your Doctor?

Last reply: 12 January 2013 12:36

Hi Girls

Just wondering about something. Just had my fifth chemo, three more to go. On your chemo day does your doctor come around to you and check you? I didnt see my doctor yesterday and three before that either - that means by next time it will be nine weeks. I feel a bit put out about it as I feel I go in on chemo nobody tells me about my bloods if they are good or bad asked once and they said you wouldnt be getting chemo if all not ok. I know they are all really really busy but sometimes I wonder am i missing out something. Doc said on first meeting they will of course be keeping a close eye on me and she will know exactly how I am doing. How does the doc know how I am doing do they read my file or something?

Should I ask to see my doctor all the time? Is it normal to see a doctor all the time? Should I get a clinicial examination all the time? I go in once every three weeks.

Have MRI, Mammo and Surgeo Meeting week after next so of course thats my big meeting to see if the tumour is shrinking.

Let me know that I am not being paranoid........

I just feel sometimes like being in school afriad to speak out when I saw her yesterday with another patient I should have said something like are you coming to see me or?

Thanks xx



commented by WicklowLady
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 17:15

I attend Vincent's private hospital and I've seen Janice every time I got my chemo but I wouldn't worry too much as it was just a quick 5 minutes to see how I was since last chemo. It was beneficial after the fourth one as I was upset as I'd had a hard time and she reduced the chemo by 20%.

Don't feel you are neglected as every patient's file is discussed at their team meetings so they monitor your progress very closely even if you don't see them. You don't have to worry about bloods as they say bloods not good no chemo will be given.

With regard to clinical examination I wouldn't think so. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy at the time I was diagnosed and the next time I had the mammogram and ultrasound wasn't until my fifth chemo.

Have you questions for the consultant? I would speak to the nurses and tell them you wish to talk to the consultant when she comes around. As I say I saw Janice every time I got chemo.

Hope this helps, but you'll probably get all your questions answered after your mammogram and ultrasound.

Mary xx

commented by deefed
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 17:25

Thanks Mary - good to hear that..... I dont NEED to see her all the time but would like her to check my boob and see if she thinks it softed, bigger/smaller etc. I dont know if this SHOULD be happening thats what I am concerned about. Maybe I should say to the nurses that I would like to see her.

Yes defo all the big tests will be the big marker.

Think I was just feeling neglected a little and seem to be always the patient there till the end of the day waiting on a prescription or something .... should have been on steroids the night before I started this Taxol but no-one told me.... anyhow they said the would amend the drugs....not sure if they did......certinaly hope so Image removed.

commented by wilmaone
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 17:48

Hi dee
Don't worry your not paranoid!!!I felt the exact same way I saw my oncologist once before I started and once during chemo 4th and only because I time I saw him was 19th December after I finished herceptin and I amin Vincents public too.
I haven't heard or seen BC nurse since op in may.You do kinda feel neglected I think because at the start your smothered with appointments doctors nurses and once up and running and not having too many problems(which is a good thing)they leave you be.Do you see the reg on duty at each chemo?

Xx w

commented by shirls
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 20:26

Hi Dee,
I had my chemo in Waterford Regional and I only saw my oncologist when I was "in trouble" i.e. feeling very sick and ended up being admitted for 3 days. She did say that to me in when I met her in advance of chemo starting that I wouldn't see her only when there was a problem. Believe me if they weren't happy with your progress or there were any problems they would talk to you and chemo would be postponed for a while. This happened to me also as my bloods weren't right and for that I only saw the doctor in the ward on the day.

Wishing you all the best,

commented by deefed
11 January 2013

11 January 2013 23:35

Hi W, Okay thats good to know I am not by myself (ha ha excuse the pun)..... think your right at start you are smoothered with care. I dont even the Reg (what is that? the Registrar?) I havent seen anyone the last two chemos..... and both times been kept waiting ages for prescription I dont kick up at all as they are so nice the nurses there and so busy I dont want to pester people.

Shirls thats good that your onc told you that upfront so you sort of expected it I felt what I was told was that they would be keeping a very keen eye on me ..... that why I was wondering who'se eye is that - but I suppose things must be tipping along nicely if there have been no complications so far.

Suppose I should stop whinging and be glad that all is ok - just hope not in for mad shock after all the scan in two weeks and nothing has happened then I will go NUTS

commented by Dane7
12 January 2013

12 January 2013 11:42

Hey Dee

I was in Vincents too and wasn't reviewed unless I had a problem. They picked up the problems from the observation form they do with u when taking bloods. If there was anything on that I got reviewed by the Reg. If there were no probs I didn't. After 5th chemo they did new scans, MRI, mamo, ultras etc to see how my tumour was doing and I had an apt to discuss results with Oncologist. I know I was discussed weekly at the inter disciplinary meeting and they all knew what had been going on with me. No fretting Mrs good news if there r no problems and they don't need to see you.

How did you find Taxol?


commented by deefed
12 January 2013

12 January 2013 12:36

Thanks Dane so far so good on the Taxol dont feel as zoned out now at all. Just on way to Bday party for six year old - thankfully its outside the house!!!

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