Breast cancer
posted by Catherine1964
03 September 2013

Exercise and Radiotherapy

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

I am about to start RT next week for 4/5 weeks. I'm reasonably chilled about it, but concerned about the management of skin and exercise.
I'm back to full fitness after surgery in late June, a regular long distance runner (10 to 18 k at least twice a week + 90 mins cardio in the gym at least 3 times a week + a wee bit of core strength - have had to give the weights a miss as too early re. surgery).
I expect I will have to adapt my exercising again, but would really like to hear about how women here who do exercise to a reasonable intensity have managed their skin during RT?
I have said elsewhere that I find exercise essential to keep my head straight through this little adventure of ours, and was quite upset some weeks back when my consultant radiographer basically told me I could forget about exercise for the few weeks.
I hope everyone here is feeling good today!
Thanks in advance for all tips!




commented by WicklowLady
03 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

You may feel a bit tired but I think that sometimes might have a lot to do with having to have it every day for over six weeks. I found it fine but I wasn't doing too much. I got quite burnt and sore towards the end so that could curtail you a bit as friction isn't good. I'd play it by ear and try to do what you've been doing. Your body will tell you what you can do. Unlike chemo I don't think doing the normal things is any harm. Best of luck

commented by Catherine1964
03 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks, Wicklow Lady, that is sensible advice - and it agrees with my general "suck it and see" philosophy, which has served me well thus far.
Still and all, I'd like to hear from others as to what type of (cardio) exercise they were able to do at good intensity with minimal ill effect on skin?
I'm hoping that I can use treadmill, cross trainer and bike as I do on winter nights, and to run outside, hoping that my super-duper sports bras don't cause me grief Image removed.
Thanks again WL!

commented by Gruffalo
05 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi there,
I started back running about 10 days after finishing chemo in the 3 week gap before starting radiotherapy. I ran the whole way through the 5 weeks of radiotherapy and didn't have any problems at all. I got radiation on the whole right chest wall and although it got mad red it wasn't that itchy and the skin didn't break or get sores. I'm now 5 weeks post radiotherapy and doing a 10k at the weekend. I'm not as sporty as you but I hope this helps. I haven't had reconstruction so used a light prosthesis and wore 2 bras. The heavy duty running bra I used to wear was way too restrictive.
Best of luck Catherine
Ps running is soooo good for me head. And I've tons more energy now.

commented by Catherine1964
05 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thank you Gruffalo: that you were able to exercise right through RT without ill-effect is very good to hear. I intend to give it a good old try Image removed. And if the skin complains, I will try to be sensible...
I could not agree more with you about running being good for the head. I couldn't live without it, breast cancer or not, but it has been a boon since the diagnosis.
Good luck for the 10 k, and of course for the rest of your treatment and the years to come!

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