Breast cancer
posted by deefed
18 October 2013

Extreme Pain after second last Tissue Expansion

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

hi Girls

Just wondering if anyone has expereinced the same so I know I am not alone.

Had my second last expasnion yesterday I haev around 350mls in me now. The pain however afterwards was extreme I had to drive home and dont know how I made it. Can hardly walk, getting up and out of couch is so painful, can hardly move my arm.

I would just like to know if other people felt the same pain so I know its normal and hopefully will subside.




commented by Catherine1964
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hello Dee,
I'm afraid I can't share a similar experience, but I just wanted to give you a cyber (and therefore painfree) hug. I sincerely hope that the pain eases soon for you, but I think you should not be shy about contacting the breast care nurses and getting some advice from them. I used to feel semi-guilty about doing that, but that's what they are there for!
Take good care, and hope you feel better soon!

commented by WicklowLady
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Oh you poor thing . You should ring the hospital straight away . Don't be suffering no awards for martyrs they told me

commented by WicklowLady
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Oh you poor thing . You should ring the hospital straight away . Don't be suffering no awards for martyrs they told me

commented by youngk
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Deefed,

I had an expander but only noticed discomfort after each fill, not real pain. Would suggest you call the breast care nurses ASAP.
Good luck


commented by deefed
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

HI Ladies

Thanks.... did finally get in touch with someone they said I could go to A^E tonight to get checked out. However spoke to another lady and she said she had an episode like this...... its getting a little better now so gonna see how I am feeling tomorrow.

Thanks...... also got some heavier pain killers they seem to be kicking in.... I was glad my friend told me it had happened her as well as I didnt know what was wrong.

Will make sure before the final one I get a prescription for painkillers as this felt worse than labour!!!

commented by Ania
19 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi dee, I experienced a lot of pain after a one of my expansions, so I insisted on a reduced amount the next few times. Personally I never let them go over 70ml at a time, I just couldn't take the pain of it!!. So the rest of mine after that went fine with no probs. I finished up with 250ml altogether. But i finished my expansions before rads. I had my replacement surgery a few wks ago and it was so much easier than the first surgery!! Best of luck it'll be over soon Image removed.

commented by deefed
21 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks Ania....good to know I wasnt alone.... I am only feeling a bit better now and it was on Thursday. I think I got 100ml twice and had no problems after it was just this 50ml that grounded me. Now I am a bit worried as they asked me about the fills and if I was counting them I remember them all except dubious about one whether it was 50 or 100ml if it was 100 then I am nearly over 400ml.... so maybe its too much.

Would be great to be able to email the doctors teams about this sort of thing as its so hard to get in touch with them

Thanks for all your help guys

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