Breast cancer
posted by spudburf
29 April 2014


Last reply: 29 April 2014 16:51

Hi all,
I'm 5 weeks after my last chemo (yey) and am still on Herceptin but my eyebrows have just started falling out!!??? What's going on?? Is this normal or have any of you had this experience? I didn't lose my brows or eyelashes during chemo - just my hair! They did thin out though...any advice ladies???



commented by Kathleen
29 April 2014

29 April 2014 11:50

Hi Spudburf

You might like to read this old thread:


Several of us have had the post chemo eyebrow problem, but it is very short-lived compared to losing hair, though still a shock of course.

Take care


commented by WicklowLady
29 April 2014

29 April 2014 13:31

Oh same thing happened to me and then all of a sudden they reappeared!! They're not as good as they were pre chemo but I don't have to pluck them as much so happy days!!

commented by spudburf
29 April 2014

29 April 2014 14:30

Thank you. Very helpful link Kathleen. I'm going to order online now as it looks very weird to be minus eyebrows and my pencil is very harsh looking. I was not prepared to lose anymore hairy bits after chemo!!! Image removed.

But all will settle down in time I've no doubt Image removed.

commented by mamato3
29 April 2014

29 April 2014 16:51

Hi spudburf. I'm still on the chemo but my eyebrows are thinning on the taxol at the moment..I got Benefit brow filler last week, it's great. I found eyebrow pencil was very harsh too, my eyebrows are naturally black, so quite obvious usually, the Benefit stuff was recommended to me and I have had a few compliments/comments on them this week. It's like a mini mascara, very easy to use. Available in most department stores.

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