Breast cancer
posted by hugs
06 January 2011

facial hair after chemo

Last reply: 11 March 2011 00:15

I finished chemo at the end of oct. I have a lovely buzz cut going on my quite happy how fast my hair is growing back. I have eyebrows, and my eyelashes are coming in nicely.
The problem I have is that i have a lot of facial hair growing aswell.
Not just on my upper lip, but along the side of my face.
Im a bit freaked out to be honest.

Im starting tamoxafin tomorrow, and im nervous enough about that. I dont want to look like wolf girl Image removed.

Im afraid to wax it or use cream incase it makes it worse.



commented by LindyLu
07 January 2011

07 January 2011 15:51

Hi Hugs

Congrats on finishing.

Facial hair is not uncommom after chemo. I had a little bit especially along the side of my face but it disappeared tho I cannot remember when. All I know is that it did not last all that long - maybe 2 months or so as my hair started to come back in. I am pretty sure the recommendation is not to shave it or wax it as it should disappear. If it is dark you could perhaps use a bleach cream - there is a brand called something like jolean (it comes in a blue box) to make it fair and therefore less noticable.

Good luck with the tamox. I was on it for 2 months and was grand on it. My period even came back. I started a clinical trial (SOFT Trial) so was pulled off the tamox and am on something different now


commented by janeymac
06 February 2011

06 February 2011 20:31

HI Hugs,
I finished chemo end of nov & like you my hair is coming back well, unfortunately all I can see ahead is more years of waxing, shaving, plucking ... Image removed. those few hair free months were quite something.
I also have facial hair coming thick & fast, I'm sure I heard my husband mutter something about howling at the moon Image removed.
I thought it was from the tamoxifen but i'm hoping that when the fluff on my head goes that the sideburn & beard will as well or else its the circus for me Image removed.

commented by Avril
02 March 2011

02 March 2011 19:02

Hi Hugs,
I have the facial hair thing going on as well! Hoping it will ease over time! Have been tweezing like a mad thing! The hair on my head seems to be grey. Just as well I am not manhunting!

Diag. Sept.2010 Aged 45
Invasive lobular cancer.ER+
Chemo -ACT
Lumpectomy,2 nodes Positive
Tumour 4.6cm.
Tamoxifen Jan.2011
Advised to have mastectomy Feb.2011

commented by transplant21
11 March 2011

11 March 2011 00:15

Im a young man that had chemo and i had a transplant but im on steroids now and i have some amount of facial hair growth! I used to shave once every two or three weeks and thatd just be stuble. Now i shave once a week and its a fully fledged beard!

I wud say its the steroids for me anyway.

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