Breast cancer
posted by Anncorr1981
12 September 2013

Fertility Post treatment

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all
Just wondering if there are any good stories out there regarding fertility after chemo?
Im a little worried. Diagnosed at 29 years old and finished ACT in November 2012. I've had no period since second chemo in July 2012 and still no sign of it. 2 weeks ago My FSH blood test was 114 when it should be 10 ish in someone my age.

It's getting me down. With triple negative cancer there was no more treatment from oncology so I feel a bit in limbo now especially when chemo is causing this.




commented by Ania
15 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Ann, I think u should ask ur oncologist to refer u to the fertility clinic to run some tests. If the chemo caused this then they should follow up! I know I insisted to speaking to someone before I stated chemo, but in the end there was nothing I could do to safe guard my fertility. I got my periods back but I don't think that's a guarantee that any of my eggs are still viable.

commented by simora
19 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Ann,
Just wanted to say that I was diagnosed with BC in 2009 at 29 y.o, Stage IIA, ER PR positive. I had four cycles of TC, lumpectomy & rads, then tamoxifen.
Periods stopped while on chemo but came back a few months later. After 3 years on tamoxifen, I stopped it in Jan 2013 to try to conceive. Happy to report I'm currently 7.5 weeks pregnant & my main complaint is now morning sickness! Do plan to go back on tamoxifen after a successful pregnancy (fingers crossed!)
Just give your body time. You are young & should have a good fertility reserve.
Take care, s

commented by Anncorr1981
19 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks Guys.
I'll be a year post chemo in November, so I getting a bit impatient... I'm being referred to a Fertility doctor to see what's going on. I did nothing to safe guard my fertility, everything seemed rushed. so I can't help but freak out. I'm at the stage in my life where I was starting to plan when everything got turned upside down.

Oncology discharged me in full, so I have no contact with them since I am not on Herceptin or Tamoxfin. The last time I met them they were very ensure where I would be left with regards to fertility.

Congratulations Simora, that is great news, and shows there is hope there. Image removed.


commented by bettersoon
21 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all,
I'd been put on a monthly zoladex injection "to protect the ovaries"... I think it essentially put them to sleep during chemo. Honestly, I didn't like the complete lack of sex drive this resulted in, but no pain no gain right?! Just finished ACT a few days ago.
Has anyone else been on zoladex or been offered it?
That was the only help offered in Ireland to protect my fertility.
In complete contrast, I started my cancer journey in the UK and only returned to ireland for chemo to be nearer my family for their peace of mind.... I was offered, and took, the opportunity to do one round of IVF to freeze embryos. I'm so thankful for this, but feel guilty saying it when women treated here are all but ignored when they raise the issue of fertility prior to treatment.
When I met my Irish oncologist, he all but laughed at me when I told him what I'd done....

commented by Anncorr1981
21 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Bettersoon
I wasn't offered anything. The oncologist briefly mentioned egg harvesting but gave the impression that it might be a waste of time as it was hard to get stats on its success. I would have taken that drug if offered. Because of my age they were confident things would return to normal, but they never said it would or would not. I really do think that there needs to be more support when making these decisions, as I would say with the shock and everything I wasn't thinking straight. My husband was the same. It all became a fight to survive and not looking beyond that.

You just finished the chemo, I do wish you well and hope it went ok for you.


commented by bettersoon
22 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Yes Ann, I was told egg harvesting is still so new so stats probably unreliable, so decided to do IVF for better chances, but even if none of it works I'm glad I've tried as many ways to protect my interests. I think it's so bad that women's needs are ignored in this country... Look at the abortion bill too... Everything from family planning to menopause & fertility are all swept under the carpet! Don't stand for it Image removed. shout loud, stand up for yourself and demand some help Image removed. whoever shouts loudest and all that....
Best of luck xx

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