Breast cancer
posted by Catherine1964
10 October 2013

Flu jab?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

I am awaiting a response from the Breast Care Nurses and the Nurses at the RT centre in James, but they are taking their time, and I need to decide soon, so I thought I'd check the collective wisdom here.
I get the option of a flu jab each year in the office, and take it each year, though I am not (normally) in an at risk group. I don't get any side effects from it, and I have not had a (real) flu in years.
However, I am wondering how wise it is to take the flu jab now, two days after finishing RT and with the Tamoxifen.
My googling seems to suggest that it is actually a good idea as cancer treatment (even RT without chemo, apparently) depletes one's immune system. However, I'd like a little advice.
Has anyone here been in that position and been given a proper med opinion ?
TIA, and I hope you are all feeling well today. I am TIRED, probably a lot less than many reading this, but more than I've been in years. I had completely underestimated the effects of RT, and was happily sailing through it congratulating myself on how well my skin was holding up!
Anyway, thanks again for any light you guys can cast!



commented by WicklowLady
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

I didn't get it but I never get it and I was in the middle of chemo so I would have had to have it the two days after or the day before next chemo. I decided against getting it as I minded myself and avoided crowds and being near anyone with a flu. I got through it fine haven't had a flu for ages. Did get winter vomiting bug though!! Whatever choice you make will be ok I would imagine . Yes tiredness is a big thing in our lives best of luck

commented by Catherine1964
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thank you for your response WL. I can probably live without the flu jab for the year that's in it. The truth is that I am lucky enough to have exceptionally good health (except this year's little escapade, which because I have thankfully been spared chemo I simply can't think of as "sickness"...), and I am very rarely sick beyond a little cold or a small tummy upset.
Anyway, I'll call the nurses again and see what they have to say.
Image removed.
Thanks again!

commented by Catherine1964
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Just a quick update in case someone else has the same query. I got talking to one of the RT nurses, and she encouraged me to have the jab.
So, I'll do just that.
Best wishes to all!

commented by deefed
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Catherine I was advised pre chemo to have the flu jab which I did was so lucky had no infections throughtout chemo. Have finished RT now as well and gas you mention it as was thinking today I should go and get it done. Our immune system is down so why not take advantage of it. I ended up in hospital for five days with a bad Urinary/Kidney infection couple of weeks ago, like you never been sick in my life apart from cancer Image removed. but immune obviously down.


commented by wilmaone
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Catherine

My go rang on Monday to advise me to get it and I'm a year and a half post chemo.Had it done on Monday no hastle and no side effects.Didn't get it last year and picked up a few infections.

Xx w

commented by WicklowLady
11 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Oh I didn't get it finished chemo in dec. I've been ok though!!

commented by encee
12 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Catherine
I received it the two years I was being treated but my doctor didn't see a need for it this year (another milestone - another thing I didn't have to worry about!!!) but maybe you could check with your GP instead of waiting for the oncology unit or breast care nurses to get back to you?

Good health xxxx

commented by Catherine1964
15 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thank you encee, I did finally speak to one of the RT nurses, and she actually encouraged me to get it.
So, that's what I'll do when the mobile team come to my office next week.
Hope all here feel well today!

commented by Josephine
17 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Catherine
I usually get the jab. I didn't know what to do last year being on chemo. The oncologist in James advised me to get it. I had it in the weeks after chemo and before RT. I had no problems. The funny thing about last year was, I spent so much time avoiding crowds, washing my hands etc that I hardly picked up a sniffle, unlike my previous "healthy" winters!

commented by Catherine1964
18 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Josephine! I will do, next week when the mobile unit comes to my office.
I have always got the jab, though until now had never been in the "at risk" categories, and I can't think when I last had a flu.
Right now, my main problem after finishing RT a week and a half ago is breathlessness (kind of mini asthma episodes) and dry cough, occuring from a couple of times to several times a day. As this is getting more frequent, I am due to meet the radiation oncologist on Tues. All I want is diagnosis and treatment to make it go away... ahhh but don't we all Image removed.
Anyway, it's Friday, and that's ALWAYS good!!
Hope all here are feeling good today!

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