Breast cancer
posted by LindyLu
09 December 2014

Getting fipple tomorrow

Last reply: 21 January 2015 23:10

My 6 year cancerversary was last Friday 5th Dec....I actually forgot until today!

Tomorrow, Dec 10th I get my fake nipple (aka fipple). Have been waiting 20months for this (clearly not urgent).

It represents what I hope will be the final chapter of my BC journey (save the tattooing).

Will report back in a few days Image removed.




commented by RoseoHH
10 December 2014

10 December 2014 07:20

Hi LindyLu,

Best of luck to you today. Hope all goes well.


commented by deefed
11 December 2014

11 December 2014 13:33


Best of luck

commented by LindyLu
11 December 2014

11 December 2014 21:27

All done. Local anaesthetic instead of general. Was chatting to the surgeon during it but had screen in front of me so saw nothing, just felt lots of pulling (eeeek) and some pressure. Have to go back to dressing clinic fri week so will hopefully see result then.

Had a bit of a palaver trying to place nipple. While on the ward, The reg measured and drew where he thought it should be. Told me to go to loo to see if I was happy but he headed off before I got back! I thought it was wrong but had to wait till I was about to go into the theatre before meeting main surgeon man. Told him I thought it was wrong and he said we can put it wherever i wanted it. He then gave me an ECG plaster and asked that I be escorted to loo to place it. No loo for patients near theatres so I had to go into staff changing room (walked around in my bear feet as slippers on ward Image removed.

Mirrors were too high so see (I am a shortie) so there was a scramble for a stool. Finally with the help of the nurse and someone who was in there changing we put it where we thought it worked best....thankfully surgeon agreed...I just hope that is where it topless beach days are well and truly over so probably does not really matter Image removed.

So if anyone else is getting this surgery, suggest you have an idea yourself where you want your fipple...

commented by Josephine
20 December 2014

20 December 2014 23:51

Hi LindyLu
Well honestly, you'd have to laugh or you'd cry! Hope the fipple is looking good now. Image removed.
Jo x

commented by spudburf
21 January 2015

21 January 2015 15:29

How is the "fipple"now Lindylu? I'm very curious about it as I'd due my reconstruction next month but I'm guessing there won't be any nipple until afterwards? Will you have any sensation in it? Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
21 January 2015

21 January 2015 23:10

Hey Spudburf, Fipple is looking great. It is blooming amazing what can be done. Still have another 2-3months before the tatoo process is done to colour the aerola area. Back to see Mr Plastic next Tuesday so hoping he is pleased with his handiwork. As for feeling...I had none to start with so I still have none but am hoping that the physical presence of the fipple might give way to a "virtual" sensation at some point!

Good luck with your own op. Unlikely they will do fipple with recon, they tend to wait a while for foob to settle down before putting on a fipple to match other side.


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