Breast cancer
posted by mamato3
01 December 2013

Hair Loss/Wigs

Last reply: 04 December 2013 22:14

Hi everyone. My first post here, this is all really new to me, so I might be asking really stupid questions for a while. Diagnosed in October, age 41 with 3 kids. Due for mastectomy next week, after 2 lumpectomies that surgeon wasn't happy that everything was cleared. Also had lymph nodes removed (2 tested positive). Struggling with all aspects of this, but one of the things that's mostly on my mind at the moment is the chemo and specifically the hair loss aspect. I am resigned that my hair is going, when i start the chemo probably in a couple of months time. I am unsure about whether to go for a wig or not. Some of the shops suggest you go in 6 weeks in advance to order the wig, hence my post so far in advance. They seem so expensive and many women seem to hate wearing them? Just wondering if I should even bother with the expense, or just go with hats/scarves etc. I have longish hair at the moment, if I do go for a wig I am not interested in trying to replicate it, it seems more hassle to try to get the same style and does that mean I'm waiting until my hair has grown back long again before I ditch the wig. The synthetic wigs look like wigs (to me) and I know the real hair wigs are more expensive again. I guess my question is honest opinions on whether you think wigs are worth the money.



commented by youngk
01 December 2013

01 December 2013 21:11

Hi There mamato3,

Sorry you had to join us, but it's a great place to get advice and support!

Whether to get a wig or not is really a personal choice, some are happy wit caps/bandanas/ scarfs. I had log hair and really could not imagine going without.

If you have a medical card you will get a wig free, If not does your insurance cover some or all of the cost as you need the wig for medical reasons?

Although I did not like my first wig (it was too short) it did look real, and some of my aquaintances even complemented me on my new hair style, not knowing that it was a wig. I ordered a couple more through the internet from the UK, they are less than half the price than here for the same make and style, even including postage!! Mine were by "natural Image" and the last one could even be styled with curling tongs. Stick to "monofilament" or "lace front" for more natural hair line

Good luck with your treatment.


commented by WicklowLady
01 December 2013

01 December 2013 21:24

Welcome. I agree with youngk it's a personal choice, while I certainly wasn't in love with mine it did come in handy for some things I'd to go to i.e a wedding and my mams 80th. People thought it was real and it was €550 but my medical insurance gave me€400 towards it. Mind you I've put it away in the box since march when my hair started to grow back. I think the real hair ones are very high maintenance as they have to be washed & styled like normal hair . I only washed my wig twice while using it and just sat it in the head and it dried back to its style.

Hope this helps and just think of all the money you will save on hairdressers lol

commented by mamato3
02 December 2013

02 December 2013 16:19

Thanks so much for your replies. Still trying to get my head around all of this information, things I thought would never apply to me in my naivety. I don't have a medical card but I do have insurance so I will check that out, didn't realise it might be partially covered by that. I feel like I'm going round in circles at the moment, not quite sure what to think next. It's nice to know so many of you are doing so well.

commented by WicklowLady
02 December 2013

02 December 2013 16:27

It's the unknown that's the scary bit but most of us on here have been through it and are out the other end in one piece. I don't know where you are but I can give you the name of the place I got my wig, it was in cabinteely. Yes if you've private medical insurance they will pay a good portion of it and for your self esteem it would probably be good to get one, they look real. If you've any other questions do ask as someone here will answer them for you. Try not to melt your head too much just relax the hospital and doctors will take good care of you xxx

commented by mamato3
02 December 2013

02 December 2013 18:41

Thanks WicklowLady. Based in Dublin, so please do let me know the name of the shop in Cabinteely. I am attending Vincents's Private also. Don't know my oncologist yet, I've heard great things about Janice Walshe though..

commented by WicklowLady
02 December 2013

02 December 2013 19:18

Just sent you a pm

commented by Amaryllis
03 December 2013

03 December 2013 16:51

Hi mamato3.
Sorry you have had to join us - Im just out the far end after diagnosis last September 2013- had mastectomy, nodes removed, chemo and radiotherapy and just had my reconstruction in early Nov -all via St Vincents Private.
I hated my first wig and ended up getting 3 in total - loved the second and third options which were different styles. I got them in Hair Club in Donnybrook - you can just make an apoointment and try on different styles - and like Wicklow Lady I got most of the costs reimbursed from will also need scarves and bandanas for home as its not comfortable to wear the wig all the time.....I also got a couple of fringes to wear uinder winter hats etc and these were really handy....
Best of luck with it. I know its scary facing in to it but the team at St Vincents are really great - and 1 year on now Im looking forward to celebrating putting it all behind me this Christmas and getting back towork and my new post cancer life in January....

commented by Kathleen
03 December 2013

03 December 2013 21:29

Hi Mamato3,

Welcome, but of course I am so sorry that you ever had to join us here. The girls here are very helpful.

When I was going through chemo, I only wore the wig to go out but I was so glad to have it. No one gives you a second look when you are wearing a wig, no one knows. Scarves and hats are comfortable but for just feeling normal I never regretted getting the wig.

I got lots of complements too Image removed.

You might like to know that my hair grew back just as it was before, bar a few chemo curls. And I think the last of the chemo curls will be gone when I get my hair cut again next week. I look like myself again.

Good luck


commented by WicklowLady
03 December 2013

03 December 2013 21:36

Me too Kathleen, I've battled the curls but at last I see my straight hair coming back which is great. I took off all headgear in march

commented by Gruffalo
04 December 2013

04 December 2013 14:40

Hi Mamato3
Sorry you had to join us. I was diagnosed last October so I'm about a year ahead of you. I too had lovely long dark curly hair which I really didn't want to lose. My hubbie and kids cut it for me just after my first chemo. It started to fall out about 2 weeks after my first dose and it would have been very unmanageable if it had been so long. Also it was nice to take control of the situation and the kids had some fun cutting my hair!
I was very dubious about getting a wig and thought I'd manage with scarves. And the cost of them too! But family and friends suggested I at least check them out. And I'm glad I did. I went to a wig shop in the next town and had the whole shop to myself and had lots of fun trying on the different styles and colours. Went for a totally different look too. Really short and easy to manage. Loads of people commented on the new look and nobody thought it was a wig or even looked like a wig. To be honest I didn't wear it in the house as it wasn't comfortable for all day wear. And I used hats and scarves then. My head was always freezing! I occasionally wore the scarf out and about and I noticed a got a lot more looks then! I suppose it was more obvious that I was on chemo as I had no sideburns, eyelashes or eyebrows. My wig had a fringe so the lack of eyebrows wasn't to noticeable.
My wig was €390 and I got half of it back from my health insurance. But I could only claim this back at policy renewal time.
I stopped wearing the wig as soon as my hair started growing back (during Taxol) as it was Summer time and my head was too warm. I very boldly dyed my hair (natural product, no ammonia) and have been proudly sporting my gorgeous black curls since the August!
Best of luck with the mastectomy next week-I had one too. And of course best of luck with the chemo. It's hard with 3 kids so take all the help offered to you. It's doable. I'm out the other side and back at work a couple of months.

commented by Neadi
04 December 2013

04 December 2013 17:12

What a lovely encouraging message gruffalo!
Just wondering how you claimed back for wig?
I'm with vhi- and haven't got a clue- so if anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be great!
Thanks xx

commented by Georgie123
04 December 2013

04 December 2013 19:01


To claim off the health insurance guys you usually send in receipts at the end of your policy year, not sure that they will re imburse you part way through the year. Just back from 1st Mri today, should get stage results next week. Fingers and toes crossed.

commented by mamato3
04 December 2013

04 December 2013 20:06

Thank you all so much for the support and the PM's. It's really great. Starting to really dread the mastectomy now. It's such a rollercoaster of a journey. I am trying to focus on the fact that it's another step along the way and trying to keep as positive as possible. Struggling with that a wee bit this week. But I know it's important to keep focussed so I'll soldier on. Thanks again ladies, I'll post again after the op.

By the way, thanks for the tips on the health insurance. I checked and I am indeed covered for 50% cost of the wig, so that takes the sting out of it a lot.

Not to wish my life away, but roll on this time next year...

commented by WicklowLady
04 December 2013

04 December 2013 22:14

Yes this time next year is good, I'm in 'this time next year' & it feels great.

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