Breast cancer
posted by Josephine
23 September 2013

Hysterectomy worries

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all
I haven't been posting for a while. I've looked in every now and then to check up on you all. It's like an extended family!

So I've been keeping well but am off to hospital tomorrow for a hysterectomy (incl ovaries). Is there anyone out there who has been there, done that? I'm scared about the immediate post op and also about the sudden menopause. I know I'm better off without the hormones but it doesn't make me stop worrying about what its going to be like!



Ps I didn't make it to the conference, ended up with a miserable cold since Thurs. I'm jealous if you all met up!



commented by Josephine
23 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Ps. I have been on Tamoxifen for 10 months until last week so the hot flushes wont be totally new!

commented by Dane7
23 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Jo

Thanks for the message and sorry for not replying. The op knocked me quite a bit and a week on only now beginning to feel ok.

Just wishing you well for tomorrow. No experience of any of that so no words of wisdom but rooting for you.

Cyber hugs and hope all goes well.


commented by Josephine
27 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all
Well I had the op on wed. Other than being sore, nothing else had happened, yet!

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