Breast cancer
posted by ephemere
17 June 2011


Last reply: 07 February 2020 13:22

Wondering if there's anyone out there who is/was in the same boat as me?

Am being advised by oncologist that my chances of fertility being there are negligible after chemo (unknown regime yet), and also with the liklihood i'll be on tamoxifen 5 yrs, and also not to have eggs harvested because of the oestrogen boost needed to do that which could feed the cancer- all largely of course because of my age, 44 (45 in january).

I do know the facts of life, so no lectures about menopause and age please Image removed. however the facts of MY life are mine- (we had tried, had had miscarriage, and were open to trying again until cancer struck); I'd appreciate any reply from anyone roundabout this age going through a similar issue.

Going to talk to Rotunda anyway next week, though to be honest I'm not sure I have the energy;it feels hard to have to fight a different battle in a different sub-discipline in a new hospital system when I'm dealing with cancer anyway.





commented by LindyLu
17 June 2011

17 June 2011 15:40

Hi ephemere

Sorry you have to go through all this crap.

Suggest you check out
The site has changed recently (for the worse!) but they do have a discussion board which you will find under 'community' when you register. There is a whole discussion [b:1eszhes8][u:1eszhes8]topic [/u:1eszhes8][/b:1eszhes8]on fertility and breast cancer.

I dont know whether you will find any answers but you might find that you are not the only one facing the prospect of infertility.

Luckily we had managed to have 2 children before I was diagnosed just shy for 40. Kiddies were 22months and 5months old at the time of diagnosis. We would have liked to have another one but we were advised against it Image removed.

It is definately worth exploring all the various options. Sadly your age and the treatments you need to beat this thing may not be stacked in your favour.

Let us know how you get on at the Rotunda.


commented by ephemere
17 June 2011

17 June 2011 18:28

Thanks Lindylu,

You're brilliant; really appreciate the reply, will check out the discussion board. Another talk with an excellent doc cleared up a lot of grey areas anyway today as my onc raised a lot of confusion I'm afraid.

So good, onward ! -

thank you so much though xx

commented by ephemere
20 June 2011

20 June 2011 15:25

Hi All,

Just letting everyone know that I found the Hari Unit in the Rotunda today beyond brilliant. Generous, kind, super-helpful and very ready with facts and figures.

In our case, it is really all too late now- less than 2% chance of conceiving and one that would mean coming off Tamoxifen.

Also found the messageboard LindyLu recommended excellent too.

But for anyone who is wavering or unsure it is really great to get the real story from the fertility folk at Hari. You really need real information, to put a context on the decisions that are happening all around you/to you.

Highly recommend, much happier



commented by jc
07 February 2020

07 February 2020 13:22


I just wanted to comment to say that I may be in the same boat - ish. I'm 34 and have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm not sure yet exactly how my fertility will be affected by treatment, and to be honest I'm not sure I do want children. However I'm now looking at the possibility of freezing my eggs, so wanted to be included on this chat to hopefully get some updates if you have any, or to offer any of my own if I get some info soon! best of luck to the original poster xx

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