Breast cancer
posted by Muireann85
29 October 2023

Initial doagnosis

Last reply: 01 November 2023 13:06


I had a triple assessment last week for a lump that I found while I was pregnant. I am now 3 weeks post partum. I was truly shocked to be effectively diagnosed straight away. Now I am just waiting for biopsy results for staging.
I am 38 and in a blind panic. I couldn't ask anything because I was in shock. I have a 12 day wait for my results. I have had upper back pain since labour and have convinced myself that it has spread to my lungs. I'm so worried about the future, especially since I'm a new mum.

If anyone could help answer some questions.

Is it standard to take a lymph node sample at triple assessment or is it only done if spreading is suspected?

Was there any financial supports available? If you can't work or need to get a carer?

Thank you.



commented by Jenni53
30 October 2023

30 October 2023 18:06

Hi Muireann85

Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. In answer to your first question a sample of the lymph node will be taken during the triple assessment if they find something suspicious in the lymph node. However when you have your operation to remove the lump your surgeon will also take a lymph node from under your arm for testing. If it's positive for cancer you will have a CT scan and a bone scan to see if it's spread

In answer to your second question if you work for the public service you are entitled to between 3 to 6 months full pay and 3 to six months half pay. You can also apply for illness benefit while you are having treatment.

If you haven't been already you will be assigned a Breast Care Nurse and they will be able to advice you about the various supports that you can get will undergoing treatment.

Wishing you the best of luck with whatever comes next for you.

Best wishes

commented by Muireann85
31 October 2023

31 October 2023 19:55

Thank you for your response. Its a big help.

commented by Cancer Nurse
01 November 2023

01 November 2023 13:06

Hi Muireann85,

Thank you for your post.

I am sorry to read that you have a cancer diagnosis. It is totally understandable that you as you say are in a blind panic especially as you have become a new Mum, I hope your little baby is doing well.

It is normal when we have a diagnosis or waiting on test results to think the worst when we have pain in other parts of the body.

A lymph node called a sentinel node is removed as part of staging of the cancer but of course it is worrying for you as you wait on results.

Muireann, if you would like to call our support line on 1800 200 700 one of our nurses will talk you through this and support you while you wait on results and signpost you to financial supports available.

Kind Regards

Cancer Nurse

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