Breast cancer
posted by Shiv
28 January 2021

Lonquex Injection

Last reply: 08 March 2021 21:29

Hi. Could anyone tell me their experience after injecting Lonquex the day after chemo. How severe was your bone pain and how long before it kicked in if it did. I know everyones experience is different.



commented by ari2020
29 January 2021

29 January 2021 22:16


I took it's cousin Neulasta, supposed to work similarly, maybe not entirely comparable but this is my experience. Shot done late Tue/ early Wed, pain came on during Thurs day, by Sat it was waning. 24-36 hrs were pretty nasty. Lots of, neurofen, took the one with codeine, and paracetamol too, clarytin antihistamines as well (supposedly they help). Took the edge off, but it was tough for a day or so. The inflamed muscles, as much as the bone pain, were a bit of a torture.
Tested out varying the timing of the shot (with consultant approval), findings of my very limited tests ;-) Just get it over and done with once the 24hrs have passed, the one later one I did actually seemed worse, but they all turned painful by night 4 of the chemo cycle regardless.

Hope yours aren't as bad, some people do fine with it. If it is terrible, ask for prescription for better pain killers when in next.


commented by AnnH
05 February 2021

05 February 2021 14:49

Hi guys,
I'm a bit late to this conversation as I have just created an account.I too take Neulasta and had my third chemo session 8 days ago, the pain for me really ramps up 3 days later, unfortunately this time round I'm still experiencing pain which has made me a bit miserable but the nurofen do help.I logged on today to ask if it was normal for pain to last this long and when can I expect it to end? I know everyone is different and chemo effects tend to be cumulative.
Any comments would be welcome.


commented by ari2020
06 February 2021

06 February 2021 00:50

Hey Ann,

I found the Neulasta varied for me, I only had to do 4 total and for some reason the 3rd one was worst. I really found taking the max dose of the best pain killers I had and the antihistamines took it down a notch.

I have heard of people really struggling with it. Cumulatively, the exhaustion/ fatigue was what got me not this type of pain.

I mentioned on my last go that I was dreading it a bit after time 3, and my consultant said we could consider not doing it, I decided not to take the risk as I was planning to see family, which in the end did not come to pass after all! (I will note my white blood cells held up well through out, and there may be other factors that are specific that this might not be an option for you).


commented by Babyboo
08 March 2021

08 March 2021 21:29

I had 4 doses of nualasta injections. I had minimal pain, never had to take any pain killers. I just had a few back aches from base of my neck to my coccyx about 3 days after taking it. Everyone reacts differently. Hopefully you are like me!!

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