Lump on breast
Hi I’m wondering can anybody give some advice, I found a lump on my breast 4 weeks ago. Went to my doctor straight away she said she was referring me to st James and marking it as urgent and I would been seen in 2weeks, a week and a half went by and I heard nothing so I ring the doctor back turns out she didn’t send the referral and only sent it 2 weeks ago, I rang James hospital and they said it will be 8 weeks before I’m seen I forgot to mention I’m a brca 1 gene carrier this seems to make no difference I explained to the receptionist in st James my case but she didn’t seem to bothered, now I’m panicking that I won’t be seen at all with all the corna virus and not been allowed into hospitals, I’m going out of my mind with worry, any advice would be greatly appreciated
just wondering do we get a call or a letter ?? for the 2 weeks urgently for when we will be called ??
sorry for the questions
Hi guys
im new to this actually just joined when i found this post last night. im just wondering would you be waiting long. same as girl asking the question. but im just wondering anyone else have same problem and what was there outcome. im going out of my mind eve4ry day wit worry and wit this current climate in the world , not making it easier. crying every day and trying to hide from my kids.
i really dont no im going out of my mind.
Girls the Hermitage in Lucan is seeing people privately for €180 I rang myself today for an appointment in the next two wks xx
I kept at st james. I was diagnosed July 7th after being sent to them
In April as urgent. I just kept going. Keep at them, they are taking patients but only a few a day.
Dear Samantha
I am sorry you are going through this anxious time.The Symptomatic Breast Clinic in St.James is currently seeing all patients whose referral is marked urgent and needed to be seen within 2 weeks.All other referrals are receiving calls from either a consultant or a member of their team.
Since your GP marked your referral as urgent we would suggest you ring the Breast Care Manager in St.James National Symptomatic Unit.
If you have any further concerns you can phone our Nurseline at 1800 200 700,leave a message and we will phone you back.
Kind regards,
ICS Cancer Nurse