Breast cancer
posted by susieqnolan5
27 August 2013

lymphedema, effects of radiation ???????

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all
I have been a member for a while now but this is the first time to post. I have a few worries at the moment but first let me just do a quick recap of what has gone on so far,
I was diagnosed in February with IDC and had a lumpectomy and a sentinel node biopsy. Margins were clear and nodes were clear oncotype dx score was low so no chemo. I also had to have a full hysterectomy as I had problems in the past with pre cancerous ovarian cysts. Finished rads nine weeks ago and had no problems with my skin at all which was great. The problem is a few weeks ago I noticed that my boob was swollen and very tender and sore. Under arm is also quite sore, swollen and when i lift my arm over my head it hurts right down to the nipple.
I also noticed the skin had thickened and there was pitting. could this be a reaction to the treatment after all these weeks???? am i just being paranoid????
any advice on what i should do would be great. went to see my GP today but she is on holidays for two weeks and i don't really want to talk to anyone else.

thanks a lot
susieqnolan5 Image removed.



commented by WicklowLady
27 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Ring your breast cancer nurse or radiotherapy nurse they will tell you. My doctor told me that although a lumpectomy is not as radical as mastectomy they do a lot of work in there as mine had got tight lately. Your gp won't know enough as the hospital I think. That's what they're there for

commented by susieqnolan5
27 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks for that Wicklow lady. I appreciate it.

Susieqnolan 5 Image removed.

commented by shirls
29 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi there,
I would advise you to contact your breast care team. They told me to contact them at any time if I was worried. I too had a lumpectomy and s/node biopsy in May 12 and then chemo & rads to January of this year. I find my breast very tender and it's uncomfortable when I turn in the bed. Maybe it's partly in my head as I constantly worry about a reoccurence but if it continues I will get it checked out so if nothing else you should put your mind at ease.

Hope this helps


commented by WicklowLady
29 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

I think it's normal as although a lumpectomy is a small procedure the surgeon says that they do a lot of work when removing the tumour so I suppose it takes a while to heal

commented by elizo
29 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi I had a lumpectomy a year ago and to this day my breast still gets sore and swollen and very hard. Physio told me to massage the area as it is a build up of fluid.
Liz Image removed.

commented by Anncorr1981
30 August 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

I have the same issue and only had lumpectomy and finished rads in Jan. I find it very uncomfortable at night sometimes and still get the odd pain. My breast surgeon said at my last appointment that the skin was very thick from radiation... My scans were clear so put my mind at ease. Hopefully it will heal with time.

commented by susieqnolan5
04 September 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Thanks everyone for your comments i do appreciate the support. i am going to see the breast care team next week and see whats going on. its great to be able to come on here and get advice from people who know what its like to worry about every lump and bump.. I will keep you all informed as to how i get on. Image removed.


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