Breast cancer
posted by Superwhy
08 June 2013

Mammogram and ultrasound on Monday

Last reply: 23 June 2013 08:50

Have 5 out of my 6 chemo sessions done and back next week for the test. Monday I have a mammogram and ultrasound and then MRI on the thurs.
will they give me any idea on Monday after the mammogram and ultrasound.
Will ye keep me in ur prayers and positive vibes over the next week. Am quite nervous.



commented by youngk
08 June 2013

08 June 2013 14:56

Good luck with all the tests. Will keep you in my prayers. Hopefully your chemo will have done what it should.

I did my treatment in a different order - had surgery first so cancer was gone. Chemo and radiotherapy after to prevent it coming back. It is nerve racking waiting for results 'though. Had to go for triple assessment on my 'good' side a couple of weeks ago Image removed. as consultant thought she felt something. Luckily it was nothing Image removed. but the wait brought back fears I'd have to go through it all again.

commented by Resolute
08 June 2013

08 June 2013 22:41

Hello Superwhy

Wishing you all the best for your mammogram tomorrow and your results on Monday next.. The waiting is such an awful time.. for me the waiting after surgery to find out if it had spread to my lymph nodes was the worst, but thankfully (and I feel I have escaped soo well) it had not. Think positive and fingers crossed Image removed. Do let us know how you go..

commented by katykaty
08 June 2013

08 June 2013 23:43

Good luck on Monday ,I will be thinking of you and say a little prayer for you . Hopefully everything will be OK . You have come this far and done so well , just take this as another step in the right direction . Fingers crossed. Image removed.

commented by Superwhy
09 June 2013

09 June 2013 08:39

I guess I am nervous as the triple accessment area is where I realised something was wrong and just going back there on Monday will be hard.
Not meeti the surgeon till the 21st to discuss surgery.
MRI on thurs.

commented by Kathleen
09 June 2013

09 June 2013 14:39

Hoping all goes well tomorrow for you Superwhy. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.


commented by youngk
09 June 2013

09 June 2013 18:52

Thinking of you and hope all goes well tomorrow, superwhy!

commented by sunshine71
09 June 2013

09 June 2013 21:01

Hoping for a good outcome for you.

commented by Dane7
09 June 2013

09 June 2013 23:12

Good luck superwhy. I wasn't told anything till a few days after the mri. They wanted all the info before they gave the news. Fingers crossed good news comes your way.

commented by Superwhy
10 June 2013

10 June 2013 12:32

Did the mammogram today and ultrasound. Consultant said nodes looked good and only a shadin area with the lump.

commented by Josephine
11 June 2013

11 June 2013 23:36

That's great Superwhy. Best of luck on Thurs.

commented by WicklowLady
16 June 2013

16 June 2013 20:20

Sorry was away on hols with no wifi. I had my mammogram after 4 chemist and my tumour had gone from 2.7cm to 1cm and there was celebrations all around they were delighted. I'm sure everything will be ok , will keep you in my thoughts

commented by Superwhy
21 June 2013

21 June 2013 20:29

Well I was back in st Vincent's today to meet surgeon. The good news is the Tumor seems to have been blasted ( surgeons words ) by the chemo and its not there anymore. They still concerned about my lymph nodes. So they want to do a full auxiliary clearance. So it's a lumpectomy and auxiliary clearance. Said its only a 2 night holiday after surgery. Last chemo on Monday. The plan is surgery early August.

commented by WicklowLady
21 June 2013

21 June 2013 20:38

Great news super why . Much as we hate chemo it does the trick. It's great you're nearly finished well done

commented by katykaty
21 June 2013

21 June 2013 22:40

That's great news , hope all goes well for surgery, you will be able go into your last chemo with the knowledge that it was worth all the suffering in the end . Image removed.

commented by RoseoHH
23 June 2013

23 June 2013 08:50

That's great news for you Superwhy.

Best of luck for your last chemo tomorrow. To know chemo has done it's job is just the best news ever.

Be good to yourself and I wish you all the best for your surgery.


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