Breast cancer
posted by kate145
11 December 2012

New member

Last reply: 19 December 2012 17:11

Don't know who is out there but hi anyway. Everyone seems to be able to remember specific dates but my brain is a blank. Let me think had my appendix out Octoberish and one week later found lump and of course it ended up being cancer. Invasive lobular. Had mastectomy 2 weeks ago survived the showering with a drain on.... had to tie an old piece of rope round the waist to hang it onto. Im now awaiting the final biopsy results on thursday. Cross fingers. This is all very inconvenient, not that cancer is ever convenient since my eldest daughter is getting married in South Africa on 28th December. Have spent most of the year trying to get my body in trim so I look like a sexy mother of the bride and now Im one boob down. Sigh.... Just praying and hoping results of nodes are good so I dont have to go for another op.



commented by Kathleen
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 20:41

Welcome Kate145! Sorry it has to be to this club no one ever would chose to join.

I hope you'll find lots of help and moral support. Sending you lots of positive thoughts for a good biopsy report.



commented by Neadi
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 21:23

Hi kate!
Sorry to have to welcome you on here, but you will find some terrific girls and loads of support advice and tips to get you through the journey you're on!

I had my mastectomy nearly 4 weeks ago now ( god where did that time go?) and I STILL have one drain in from where they removed the lymph nodes- showering is a right royal pain in the ass!!!

But hang in tight- rant here - share your positive moments coz I guarantee you it is a source of comfort and solace getting replies and advice from people who "get it"!

Best of luck with the journey


commented by WicklowLady
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 21:28

Welcome it's a great forum people are just so supportive. I'm on 5th chemo which I got yesterday and my last one will be new years eve. I will have a lumpectomy end of January and then radiotherapy . My tumour had reduced from 2cm to 1cm so happy days

commented by kate145
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 22:29

ta everyone. Its good to feel like a person again. Bless the hospital, love everyone to bits but I feel like a specimen when Im there. Lord there is not enough Xanax to get one through the first month. Im just concentrating to getting better having an absolutely super holiday in the sun and then jan starting chemo and heceptin. Joy, joy..... can you get pink wigs????? Was going to get my hair cut for the wedding well now Im saving myself E50. No way Im paying for a fancy cut if its all falling out anyway. Anyway its good to hear from other people going through the same.

commented by WicklowLady
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 22:39

Yes I live everyone in the hospital they're great. Do you know who you're oncologist is? I mentioned sun holiday yesterday and my oncologist said oh it'll be factor 50 under the umbrella after you talk to me!!! I'm sure you can get any colour wigs.

Where do you get the Xanax? A woman told me yesterday she takes one when she's down. I could have done with one last time but as I've only two to endure I probably don't need them

commented by deefed
11 December 2012

11 December 2012 22:45

Hi Kate sorry again to see you here with us but as people go we are not a bad bunch of cancer chicks!

I was laughing at you with your €50 for a hair cut - I was the exact same thinking why would I get my hair cut it was gonna fall out in a matter of weeks - so I didnt insted I had the longest hair I had in a long time.

Hope everything goes well for you get the all clear then can jet off to the wedding and enjoy every minute of it. Pink wigs oh yeah they have loads of them came across a site the other day as going out for Christmas do on Friday and was gonna buy a pink one for the laugh it was only 15euro its a fancy dress site but I;m sure it will last for the night.

Best of luck with everything keep in touch we are always in and out of this forum

Dee xx

commented by kate145
12 December 2012

12 December 2012 17:11

thanks everyone you really cheer me up. People are all really nice but they seem to lower their voice and touch me. I hate when they act as though you are sick. As you can hear Im not a good patient. Its so refreshing when you can tell people you have cancer without feeling you have ruined their day. Praying and hoping along with a good biopsy report tomorrow that the doctor will say I can drive.... anyone else get the urge to drive to the pub and get completely drunk. I dont even drink. Thanks again all for the messages.

commented by WicklowLady
12 December 2012

12 December 2012 17:26

That's what we're here for to cheer each other up. I've just resurrected an old artificial tree I had upstairs and I decorated it today so that's Christmas done lol. I'm knackered now. Every year when I'm putting up the tree I always wonder will my life change in any way usually with my parents being elderly would I still have the two of them the following year. Well my life has changed since I put the tree up last year but when I'm taking it down I will have finished chemo so it's onwards and upwards and back to real tree next year please God

I am a drinker and I've never drank as little it tastes horrible on the bad chemo week and I'm not pushed at all. I don't feel well enough to want it I'm afraid it'll make me sick.

commented by Ania
12 December 2012

12 December 2012 18:31

Hi Kate,

I jus had my double mastectomy on the 29th of nov. I had my chemo before the op.

I had the same attitude when I knew my hair would fall out, but actually I would recommend that you get your hair cut for the wedding, and look fabulous and feel great and enjoy it while it lasts! You'll save loads of money when its gone.

Personally I think it's very handy having no hair to worry about when your sick. And now that mine is growing back it feels great and like I'm back on the road to getting well again.

Have a great time at the wedding!!!

commented by deefed
14 December 2012

14 December 2012 08:53

Hi Ania - just wondering hwo did your hair grow back was it the same as before or did it grown back curlY?

commented by kate145
14 December 2012

14 December 2012 17:44

yippee got my biopsy results yesterday and my nodes are all negative. What a relief. If they were positive I would of had to have another op and I wouldnt have been able to go to my daughter's wedding. Ive got to go into the hospital for a temp boob next week so I dont look odd for the wedding and then a visit to the oncologist to talk about the chemo in Jan then goodbye hospitals and cold ireland for 3 weeks. Told my family to organize a deckchair and a bell. Heaven.

commented by FunkyChick
14 December 2012

14 December 2012 18:52

Hi Kate,
that's great news. When you're in the hospital ask if they can organise a swimming prosthesis & a swimsuit - you are going on holiday after all!!! I got both when I got my day-to-day prosthesis.

Enjoy & absolutely delighted for you!!

commented by Ania
15 December 2012

15 December 2012 00:13

That's great Kate congrats! I hope you really enjoy your holiday!!!!

Deefed, my hair is growing straight, and in all different directions!!! I have a Mohawk on one side, so am going back to Roches where I got the wig to even it out before christmas, and to get the chemo fluff taken off the top. Not sure what it's going to look like yet but I think I will keep it short for a while to play around with some different styles Image removed.

commented by Josephine
19 December 2012

19 December 2012 17:11

Hi Kate
Sorry you had to join us but like the others said, we are all here for you. Enjoy the wedding and try not to think about all this while you are away.
Jo x

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