Breast cancer
posted by Josephine
07 July 2012

New-Terrified of chemo

Last reply: 11 July 2012 11:31

Hi all
I was diagnosed on 8 may. Had mastectomy and axial clearance 13 jun. I'm to start chemo on 18 jul. 4 x AC then 4 x T every 2 weeks. I never heard of anyone on a 2 weekly schedule. Anyone I spoke to was on 3 week schedules of different chemo and all said by the 3rd week you are feeling ok. I'm really terrified and tears are only a blink away at all times. I am 45 with 3 kids 16,14,11.



commented by Mimiraffo
07 July 2012

07 July 2012 13:48

Hi Josephine,

Hugs to you and you are doing so well after your mastectomy. I finished chemotherapy 7 months ago and had a double mastectomy in August last year @ aged 38!. It's very normal to feel afraid because it's unknown territory you are entering. Don't get too distressed with the different time frames the chemo is administered , each oncologist decide different time frames whether it be every 2wks or every 3 wks. I had four rounds of treatment using Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide and Neulasta injections each time after 24hrs post chemo. The best thing to do is just go along with it and try not to think too much about it. The oncology team do a great job at helping to alleviate the side effects. I had a bout of nausea twice, but overall it is doable and if you experience any unwanted side effects just call the doctor to your home and they can sort you out as well. Drink at least 3-4litres of water the day before and up to five days after chemo, it helps to flush out toxins and it's good for the kidneys and liver.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask at all.



commented by Dane7
10 July 2012

10 July 2012 13:40

Hi Josephine

How did you find the auxilliary clearance, how has your arm and armpit been?

As everyone says chemo is tough but doable. There are plenty of side effects so mind yourself. Having been hospitalised twice now after the last 2 chemos I found that it got worse as it went on. I recovered really quickly after No 1, the 2nd was a little longer and have been hospitalised with infection etc after No 3 and was particularly bad with No 4.

I am no expert but if you think something is not right, check and go to your hospital and be seen. Better be foolish than leave it or assume that the gp will know. Gps do not always have enough of an understanding about how compromised our immume system is when on chemo.

Wishing you all the best - look after yourself!


commented by Josephine
10 July 2012

10 July 2012 23:29

Hi dane7
Thanks for the advice.
My arm was the worst bit post op. very annoying sort of pins and needles and felt very heavy. It's 4 weeks ago tomorrow and all that is much better. My armpit is still very sore. It feels weird to touch and sore when I try to wash under there. I'm finding the physio exercises where you slide your arm up the wall difficult and I get a pain in my upper back after trying to do them.
Also the skin in my armpit is still sort of squished together. I wonder when/if that releases itself out ?
I see from your posts you've had a bit of bother along the way. Hope all goes smoothly from now on.
Josephine x x

commented by Dane7
11 July 2012

11 July 2012 11:31

Thanks Josephine. Only 2 left now!!! Fingers crossed eh that it doesn't kill me all together ... it just doesn't agree with me and I have had all of the side effects. Oh well no further surprises then .... eh?

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