Breast cancer
posted by spudburf
07 May 2014

Oedema/weight gain from Taxol

Last reply: 07 May 2014 23:17

Hi all, I completed my chemo regime on 25th March! Delighted to be over and done with it but I do need to ask if any of you had a problem with weight gain after taxol? I did 4 sessions of A/C which I was ok with followed by 12 weekly sessions of Taxol. Initially it was all fine but towards the end I became extremely bloated! I have a stone and a half now that I cant seem to shift. My oncologist told me that taxol can do this and it will settle down in time and the swelling is Oedema!!! I’m doing everything I can to reduce the weight but nothing seems to work.
I’m delighted to be over the chemo and will be having a mastectomy on Monday next which I not looking forward too but it has to be done! Its just when I’m feeling so vulnerable at this time I could do without this massive weight gain and if any of you can suggest any tips for me I would be delighted.

Thanks Image removed.



commented by mamato3
07 May 2014

07 May 2014 20:22

Hey spudburf. I am on fortnightly taxol and had my 3rd of 4 sessions yesterday. Weight is up and I was putting it down to the easter eggs, I have been doing my bit to make sure the kids don't eat too many by helping them eat them. The nurse said to me that fluid retention is one of the side effects of taxol. As if all the other side effects aren't bad enough. She just said keep drinking the water (counter intuitive really) and it will flush itself out eventually. It's awful to have the weight gain, but it will correct itself.
I had mastectomy too before chemo, it was actually a relief to be able to tell myself the cancer was finally gone. Best of luck with it. Once I have finished my radiotherapy I am due to take some time off work and then it's time to focus on me, healing and recovering my fitness. I think that's all we can do. Don't worry about the weight gain now. If it's all fluid it will right itself over time.
Best of luck Monday x

commented by LindyLu
07 May 2014

07 May 2014 22:24

I joined weight watchers the day I started rads (with my hair scarf turban still on my head). I had put on over a stone. Lost it with careful eating and an extra bit of walking.

Five years later and that stone, and a bit more, had crept on so I joined Slimming World in Jan2014 and have lost the stone (again) though the remaining easter eggs in my house are tempting my will power no end. I have secummed this past week but overall I am following a slimming world plan (which means I can eat lots of the right type of food - fruit, veg, rice, pasta, spuds etc) and less of the bad stuff (butter, bread, easter eggs!).

Maybe you need a kick start. If you can afford to join something that will refresh you about what is better to eat then it might just get the ball rolling (or stone falling off).


commented by spudburf
07 May 2014

07 May 2014 23:17

Thanks guys, I will join WW or similar after the mastectomy. At 50yrs of age now I'm guessing it will be slow to come off anyhow and my Oncologist also told me last week that Taxol slows down the rate we burn calories at. Its frustrating as I've never had extra weight before all this and was as fit as a fiddle! Small price to pay I know but I wish I'd known all this before I started chemo and then I would have been much more careful with my self indulgence!!! Image removed.

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