Breast cancer
posted by Vision
19 December 2020

Onkotype test

Last reply: 23 December 2020 17:01


I was wondering if anyone has had a Onkotype test done as part of breast cancer treatment



commented by Cancer Nurse
23 December 2020

23 December 2020 13:16


I am sorry to see you haven’t had a reply yet despite the fact that this test is now commonly done on certain early stage breast cancers.  

The Oncotype DX test is done on the sample of breast cancer tissue(biopsy) which the doctor took during surgery. The test is done if a person’s breast cancer is at an early stage, their lymph nodes are negative (or if the lymph nodes are positive it is only in 1-3 lymph nodes) and the sample tissue is oestrogen-receptor-positive(ER+) or HER2 negative.

The purpose of the test is to see how effective chemotherapy would be and it also helps your doctors to predict how likely the cancer may return in the future. If you would like to read more information about it see here    

It is an extremely anxious time for anyone waiting for these results and wondering whether they will be recommended to have chemotherapy or not. This on top of having been told recently one has breast cancer makes it so much harder. If you would find it helpful you can phone our support line and speak to a cancer nurse about this test and how you are. We will be here over the Christmas period to give advice information and support and can refer on someone for counselling if they would find that helpful.

Kind regards

Cancer nurse.


commented by Vision
23 December 2020

23 December 2020 17:01


Thank you so much for reply. I was asking because I did have the test and when I went to get result unfortunately the test had failed as there was not enough tissue and there's no more tissue to send. I was disappointed as I had waited about 3 weeks for result and would have liked to know what score I had. I was trying to find out if others had the experience of the test failing


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