Breast cancer
posted by Mar63
23 November 2014

Pain after surgery

Last reply: 03 December 2014 00:11

Hi ..Had mastectomy and lymph nodes removed two weeks ago. My arm is hypersensitive if touched, like sunburn pain. Also, If I raise or extend arm, it is very painful on the inside above the elbow, as if muscles and tendons are being/or have been overstretched. Can anyone relate to this. Will this go away soon?.. Doing my exercises for arm but doesn't seem to get any relief .Kind of difficult to describe really, but maybe someone can relate. Thanks in advance.
Mar 63



commented by Kathleen
23 November 2014

23 November 2014 16:16

Hi Mar 63,

Welcome! Though I am very sorry you ever had to join us of course.

I think some pain is normal initially and certainly even after only 2 weeks. A feeling of tightness is normal too and that could last for several months. However the sunburn type sensitivity sounds like something you should check with your GP or the hospital where you had your surgery.

Good luck


commented by Georgie123
23 November 2014

23 November 2014 21:54

Hi Mar,

I had physio on my arm after surgery, I was unable to fully straighten my arm and could not lift the arm as far back as good arm. Under my skin felt like there were wires, which the physio kneaded and got rid of, I had about 4 sessions. My consultant arranged the physio in the hospital for me, so check it out with hospital.

Good luck

commented by Dubmum
24 November 2014

24 November 2014 20:23

Hi Georgie, I too am 3 weeks after surgery and I am having terrible sunburn like symptoms also, I would love to know when this will go away and if there is anything to take a rub on. Your skin to get rid of that feeling. I'm struggling with the whole thing and it's only the beginning. I also see that lots of people don't have the chemo and just have radio therapy, why is that the case. In my case I probably will have to have both but I am going to argue the radiotherapy part as I had only 1 node affected and it was very small, I think I am on the borderline, has anyone said no to radiotherapy having done the chemo ? Sorry about all the questions, I am new to this unfortunately .

commented by Irishgirl22
24 November 2014

24 November 2014 22:00

Hi mar 63,

I'm 3 weeks from surgery now and can relate to the super sensitive sunburn feeling you are talking about. It's definitely improving however flares slightly in the cold which I have been told by my nurse is all normal. Movement in the arm takes a while but I'm finding the exercises great and I have complete movement back now with the tightness almost subsiding altogether so stick with the exercises and best of luck

commented by encee
27 November 2014

27 November 2014 22:27

Hi Mar63

Keep at the exercises; the tightness sounds like cording which is very common after having your lymph nodes removed. As for the "sunburn" hypersensitivity, I don't recall that.

Why don't you ring the breast nurse? She might organise for you to see the consultant for a few minutes just to ease your mind.

Take care & hope the recovery goes well x

commented by Georgie123
03 December 2014

03 December 2014 00:11

Hi Dubmum,

I went with the radiotherapy after surgery. The reason for this was to mop up any cancer cells that may have been left in surrounding tissue where the tumour was removed from. I had chemo first and then surgery, after chemo I had one per cent of cancer left approx, which was removed. I went ahead with the rads as I just felt I wanted to make sure the cancer was gone. Am due back to my consultant in two weeks, fingers and ties crossed in get good news, a bit nervous as I was with the rads guy fir a review and I told him I had a mammo. Two weeks ago, he asked me did I want to know the results instead of waiting for two weeks, hell yes I did.....but when oh logged Onto my file be couldn't see the report.... Alarm bells for me, mammo was over two weeks ago, did he see something he didn't want to discuss?? I hate the waiting game.". Oh also, I was lucky enough to not experience burning sensation on arm.
Take care

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