Breast cancer
posted by Iamstrong
30 January 2021

Post mastectomy and chemo

Last reply: 04 February 2021 14:00

Hello all, so I had 2 small tumors and pre cancer cells. Tumors were 8mm and around 1cm. My lymph nodes were clear. I had my mastectomy in Oct 2020 and just finishing up chemo soon (4 rounds of TC). No radiation as margins were clear etc.
Lately I've been feeling my mastectomy scar if that makes sense and I have shoulder and arm pain. Not severe but it's there.
I've been assured my cancer is gone but my mind is not in a positive zone and so I'm imagining all sorts.
What have other peoples experiences been post mastectomy and chemo? Am I nuts or should I worry?
Thank you

1 comment


commented by Cancer Nurse
04 February 2021

04 February 2021 14:00

Hi Lamstrong,

Thanks for posting and I am sorry to read about your diagnosis and the pain and worry you have been experiencing lately, it is really common to feel worried about cancer even after reassurance has been given, you are not alone.  Getting a cancer diagnosis is devastating, it can have a huge impact on a person and it is very common not to be in a positive zone.  There are services such as counselling that people find helpful in dealing with their diagnosis, we also have a peer support service where we can put you in touch with another person who has been through a similar experience, our callers find this helpful to speak with someone who has been through a cancer diagnosis.  Our volunteers can talk to you about their experience and how they manage their worry.

Pain after a mastectomy is very common, it is normal to experience pain as the tissues and nerves heal, this can happen in the months after surgery.  We would recommend to have a chat with your breast care nurse about this pain as they may be able to recommend analgesia or exercises that may help.  I wonder when you finish your chemotherapy treatment will you have any further scans?  This may give you further reassurance that the cancer is gone.

I hope this information is helpful and please don’t hesitate to call our support line on 1800 200 700 if you would like to speak with a cancer nurse for any support or information about our services.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse.

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