Breast cancer
posted by anriocht
17 November 2012

Reconstruction v. Breast Prosthesis

Last reply: 02 December 2012 15:00

I found out in last week that I need to undergo a mastectomy and will be having it in next few weeks.

I was hoping to hear from those who have had reconstruction and how you found the recovery and most of all the end result.

I would also love to hear about those who did not opt for the reconstruction and decided to have breast prosthesis instead.

Have to admit that I am somewhat put off by the surgery time, recovery time of a reconstruction and also the risk that it may fail.

Feel it is a big decision and would love to hear from any of you.
Many thanks Image removed.



commented by encee
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 16:47

Hi A
Best of luck to you in the coming weeks and hope everything goes well.

I had radical mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using LD flap. Full title of the surgery was skin sparing, nipple sparing radical mastectomy with axillary clearance and breast reconstruction using LD flap and implant. Surgery took almost 8 hours. Delighted with result - minor complications with encapsulation but we are going to look at tweaking it next year. But I swear, the breast still looks great, it's just very hard and getting a bit uncomfortable. I don't know if I can blame that entirely on encapsulation because I was a bit bold by not keeping up my physio exercises all the time. But I'm back getting physio (it's nearly like a gym workout, so I'm expecting to see not only fluid movement in my arm, but a gorgeous toned body also!!)
If there are any questions in particular you want to ask, don't hesitate to do so x

commented by kazoo
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 17:08

Anriocht, I posted on another one of your posts so hopefully not repeating myself. I am due to have reconstruction in Jan, a year on from my masctectomy, having immediate recon wasn't available to me as I had to have radiotherapy. It's been a long year, I have not been at all happy to be without my boob and can't wait to get a new one. I know about the risk of failure but am told my surgeon is ace and I am just feeling positive about it, it doesn't even have to be perfect, my modelling days are well behind me Image removed. . Now everyone is different, you will need to see how you feel after the mastectomy. The prosthesis is great, from the outside nobody would know and you can still wear practically everything. You can get ones for sleeping,swimming and everything but for me, reconstruction cannot come soon enough. Best of luck in your decision and if you need any advice or help, just ask.

commented by anriocht
17 November 2012

17 November 2012 18:40

Thank you Encee and Kazoo.

Your info. has been helpful. Just didn't quite understand what you meant by encapsulation Encee?

Also Kazoo was good to hear that the prosthesis was good as well. I am still waiting on lymph biopsy results, so perhaps immediate reconstruction may not be an option for me as it turns out, but just in case I would like to be as informed as possible.

Also where did you have it done Encee and with who and where will you have it done Kazoo.

Thanks again Image removed.

commented by deefed
18 November 2012

18 November 2012 09:23

Thanks girls for all the replies about this - I am keeping an eye on this post as well. I wont have mascetomy til after checmo and will have to have RT so wont get new boob for some time after.

Question I have is this - when/how do I approach all this with doctors etc. I definetily want a reconstruction do I go back to my Surgeon and discuss this with him or my oncology doc or is it all too early as it will be at least another five months. I suppose I am unclear as to how I choose someone (if I have a choice? Public Patient) and basically how I go about it all.

Any help appreciated

commented by FunkyChick
18 November 2012

18 November 2012 17:25

It's never too early. Ask your surgeon or Breast Care nurse to make appointment with plastics. I saw them before my mastectomy & we discussed all the options & which one would be suitable for me so it's never too early. I found that it helped me to divert my mind & concentrate on something positive so even on the bad days I was looking forward to my re-con.

commented by shinners
18 November 2012

18 November 2012 19:10

Hi Guys,
I had an immediate reconstruction using my stomach fat( there was plenty there! Image removed. ) It is called a DIEP and it was done in Beaumont under Mr Nadeem Ajmal. From the day I was diagnosed I asked if I could have an immediate recon as my Mam had Breast Cancer and she didnt have a reconstruction and I couldnt bear to look at her scar- mind you that was over 17 years ago and things have moved on a bit from then but I was adamant that I wanted to wake up from surgery with some sort of a boob! . I started to research on line and the DIEP was the one I wanted as it does not involve any implants nor does it use any muscle.There are only 2 or 3 surgeons in Ireland who are qualified to carry out this type of surgery. I spoke with my Breast Surgeon and he organised for me to have a meeting with Mr Ajmal. Although I was not the ideal candidate as I had chemo before surgery and I had to have rads after, my Breast Surgeon spoke with Mr Ajmal and after a number of meetings with him he agreed to do it. I had also researched Mr Ajmal and met with a number of women who had the job done under him and the feedback was excellent so I urge you to do your research on surgeons. I wont lie to you, the recovery is long and not easy as you are cut from hip to hip as well as the breast surgery itself. I had some complications and had to have a small skin graft a week after having the main surgery - which by the way was over 9 hours. All that said, I dont regret it at all. I am so happy to be able to put normal bras and swimsuits on, and I have a flat stomach( something I have not had in easily 10 years). I still have to get a nipple put on and I also have the option to have a little bit of liposuction on my hips, but I have deferred that for a year as I could not face any more surgery at the moment. This surgery is not for everyone but I would certainly recommend that you reasearch all your options, talk to your Breast Surgeon and Breast Care Nurse . If you want to talk in more detail about it PM me and I will go through it with you.
The best of luck with the rest of your treatment , you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Sinéad x

commented by kazoo
19 November 2012

19 November 2012 10:03

Deefed, I echo what Funkychick says, never too early to enquire. Ask your breast care nurse, mine was great, she helped me set up first appointment. That was last March, and I'm still waiting so it's good to get on the list as soon as you can, even before your treatment has finished, as you don't know how long you'll need to wait.
Anriocht, I'm having it done in Cork, my surgeon is Eoin O'Broin and I'm told he's great, a real perfectionist!
Shinners thanks for your story, very helpful.
Onwards and upwards now... Image removed.

commented by ceedee
19 November 2012

19 November 2012 11:18

[quote="anriocht":12np8wzz]I found out in last week that I need to undergo a mastectomy and will be having it in next few weeks.

I was hoping to hear from those who have had reconstruction and how you found the recovery and most of all the end result.

I would also love to hear about those who did not opt for the reconstruction and decided to have breast prosthesis instead.

Have to admit that I am somewhat put off by the surgery time, recovery time of a reconstruction and also the risk that it may fail.

Feel it is a big decision and would love to hear from any of you.
Many thanks Image removed.[/quote:12np8wzz]
I had immediate reconstruction and had a skin sparing surgery nipple also saved had an expander fitted and am now waiting to have the permanent implant put in.It was a 6 hour op but I had no complications thank God.Have a good think about it and do what you feel is right for you,I am 50 and feel really confident with my reconstucted Boob Image removed.

commented by encee
19 November 2012

19 November 2012 18:51

Hi there!
Encapsulation is when the immune system works against the implant because it sees it as a foreign body so it creates a new scar tissue around it and it causes a tightening and hardening of the reconstruction. It's not so bad for me, in my opinion, and I am still very happy with the overall look of my breast. I had it done in Limerick.
There is a booklet available produced by Macmillan called Understanding Breast Reconstruction - it has pictures in it along with loads of information on the different types of procedures that may be suitable to you - might be a good read for you

commented by anriocht
21 November 2012

21 November 2012 10:58

Thank you ALL so much, the info is so detailed and frank. Still trying to make my mind up, have had lots of surgery over the years for another health problem that I have and have to admit that the length of the surgery and also the possibility of further surgery is putting me off somewhat. But then I have to weigh all that up against having a permanent scar in place of my boob, the loss of which I am beginning to grieve already!

All your feedback is greatly appreciated.

commented by deefed
02 December 2012

02 December 2012 15:00

Thank you all as well for all your relpies all very hepful

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