posted by wexlass
21 August 2011
Last reply:
26 August 2011 11:09
Just wondering if anyone has heard of them. I had a nutritional therapy appointment the other day and they recommended taking them.
Salvestrols are natural compounds in the diet which are converted inside diseased cells, by a specific enzyme, into compounds that can destroy the diseased cell.
They are part of a natural rescue mechanism and may be essential to maintain good health.
This is an article they gave me to read about Salvestrols: ... udies1.pdf
Just wondering if there is anyone out there who is taking them and has noticed any difference.
Hi Wexlass,
I had never heard of Salvestrols but I am certainly interested in hearing how you get on. From what I have just read since you posted, it looks like they are in certain veggies, particularly organic ones.
Broccoli sprouts anyone???? They are actually pretty nice, in salads and sambos esp.