Breast cancer
posted by Cathyhyn
20 September 2013

Secondary breast cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2015 09:56

This is my first time on forum. Diagnosed in feb with metastic breast cancer . Very scared . Chemo finished . On hormones now . Any one out there with similar. Had first diagnosis twelve years ago. Full right sided mastectomy Plus chemo. Tamoxofen for five years. Thought I was home and dry. Image removed.



commented by Kathleen
26 September 2013

27 August 2015 09:56

Hi Cathy,

I don't know if you have seen this thread dealing with secondary breast cancer.


There is a lot of activity in the breast cancer forum and the girls are just wonderful - but they may not have seen your post in the 'all other cancers' section.

Take care


commented by Cathyhyn
26 September 2013

27 August 2015 09:56

Thanks for that Kath I follow those threads


commented by Stargazer
17 February 2014

27 August 2015 09:56

Hi Cathlyn
just saw your post -hope your doing ok?

A bit of bad luck to have to go this route again -can I wish you all the strength and perseverance you need to see this 'round' through. - keep in touch with the message board for support-there is a wealth of experience out there that really 'gets' where your at!

Cyber hugs and good wishes
Stargazers x

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