Breast cancer
posted by Superwhy
11 May 2013

Sex life during chemo

Last reply: 14 May 2013 18:02

Sorry not sure where else to ask this. We were told in the hospital as long as my husband wears a condom we could continue to have sex. I meet a lady today who said she was told not to have sex during chemo.
What was everyone else told... Jesus I will be very upset if on top of everything else we can't even have a sex life..... Apologies of tmi...



commented by ephemere
12 May 2013

12 May 2013 13:38

I think the advice is not to get pregnant; fairly positive you can keep up your sex life, that is if you can muster the energy and desire. Really hope you do !
Wish I had been able.....
Best Wishes !!

Xx Image removed.

commented by Superwhy
12 May 2013

12 May 2013 13:45

Thanks I knew the advice not to get pregnant.
Thanks for the advice

commented by sunshine71
13 May 2013

13 May 2013 12:41

[color=#4000FF:2p7houd3]I was told the chemo can 'burn' my partner if we had intercourse for about 2 days after having chemo.

This is another great site that my oncology nurses used and advised me to use for info. ... ancer.aspx

[i:2p7houd3]You’re usually advised to use condoms if you have sex within the first 48 hours after chemotherapy. Although it’s not proven, it may be possible that a small amount of the drug could pass into vaginal fluid, which could harm your partner. [/i:2p7houd3][/color:2p7houd3]

commented by Josephine
14 May 2013

14 May 2013 17:43

Hi ladies
Sunshine, I never knew any of this! However, it made no difference as there was no way I'd have had the energy or inclination in the first 48 hours after chemo. Or even the first 200 hours Image removed.

Superwhy, on a lighter note, I noticed you writing about low platelets before and when you said it was 79, I thought you said you were 79! So now I see you asking about sex life and I thought fair play to her Image removed.

Go for it girl, not many pleasures during chemo Image removed.


commented by Superwhy
14 May 2013

14 May 2013 18:02

Lol I am 36 year old.. Platelet count was 79.. Was back up to 155 yesterday... Have no interest in first 48 hrs or even first week.. But it's nice to feel a bit normal and do normal couple stuff..

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