Breast cancer
posted by katykaty
30 April 2013

starting tomorrow

Last reply: 04 May 2013 20:49

Was due to start my chemo on 24 of may , but got phone call today to say starting tomorrow! Bit of a shock but I suppose I don't have time to think about it..Was a bit of s rush trying to get meds together ,still no word on medical card so had to try and scrape money together for those . Would gladly go back and do my weeks work ,than face the iendless form filling and phone calls and every time you hit a brick wall. At the end of it all get nothing and told to make sure I put in my cert as it would affect my pension !! Rant over . Hopefully at the end of this I might be broke but at least I'll be better!



commented by LindyLu
30 April 2013

30 April 2013 23:19

Good luck tomorrow Katyk,

Drink plenty of water before and after the poison as it helps to flush it through your system.

On the medical card and bills - see if you can arrange an appointment with a social worker at the hospital, they may be able to suggest ways to expedite an application, or, potentially provide funds to cover costs of drugs until med card comes through (hopefully).


commented by Neadi
01 May 2013

01 May 2013 07:34

Best of luck. The first is like a voyage into the unknown, but listen to your body and don't be afraid to ask for stronger meds if what they give you doesn't work.


commented by WicklowLady
01 May 2013

01 May 2013 11:30

Best of luck. I spoke to a lady whose lOcal cancer support group helped her get her medical card. Please God you can get that sorted as you don't need to be worrying about that you need to think of yourself. You'll be fine all the ladies here got through it.

commented by katykaty
01 May 2013

01 May 2013 23:12

Thanks everyone all went well today
Feeling ok tonight, have taken all the preventive meds.steroid mouthwas,anti sickness loads of water so hopefully they will all kick in .I am going to start as I mean to go on so hopefully will avoid most side effects .I have a good positive attitude so wont let it get me down . Image removed.

commented by deefed
04 May 2013

04 May 2013 20:49

HI katykaty

I've been missing for a while from here just wanted to wish you good luck!!! You will do great you have the right attititude - hope your feeling good. Re the medical card get a local TD or Councillor or something onto it they always do the trick!!


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