Breast cancer
posted by sunshine71
10 November 2012


Last reply: 14 November 2012 20:21

I'm wondering about nausea on taxol. Know most people dont have it as a side effect however, I had very bad nausea on my ACx4 treatments even with some heavy duty anti nausea meds. I've been told the taxol is a lot easier but still nervous about nausea as I had pregnancy sickness for 9 months on my 4th/5th children and they say chemo can be like your pregnancy if you were very sick with pregnancy.



commented by LindyLu
10 November 2012

10 November 2012 16:04

Nearly every I have met, bar one, on this journey found taxol WAY easier than AC. I can honestly say I began to feel more normal on taxol, my hair even started growing back on my head tho I did loose my brows and lashes towards end of taxol but the were only missing for about 4 weeks...

I was one of the few that had an allergic reaction to taxol. It happened during second infusion and the taxol was stopped while I was given maga doses of steroids and anti histamines with oxygen on standby! It gave me a big fright, but for 3rd and 4th bout was managed by steroids and anti histamines.

Hopefully after all you have been thru, taxol will be a walk in park.


commented by deefed
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 12:38

Hiya I've heard the same too that Taxol seems easier. I likeLL have 4 x AC and 4xTaxol

SO hopefully it will be kinder on you

commented by Dane7
11 November 2012

11 November 2012 13:19

Hi Sunshine

As Lindylu has said Taxol can give you that wierd reaction but the chemo team are on hand to immediately give you the antihistimines and steroids you need if it occurs. I had that on my 2nd cycle - no problem on the first. It was like an overwhelming hotness, breathlessness, chest pain and choking. Make sure the person next to you is keeping an eye on you when you get it first cos it happens often when they turn it up for the first time during the infusion. I was really lucky I had a lovely lady who I was chatting to at the time and she realised I was in difficulty as I couldn't speak and she shouted for help.

Apart from that Taxol can give you the red faced rash but the antisickness (Valoid) and steroids (Dexamethasome) pretty much keep you right. I didn't have AC so found Taxol tough but as Lindylu has said anyone who has had AC seems to say Taxol is ok. I lost hair completely and had thinned out eyebrows/eyelashes too. Lots of neutropenia with Taxol but you sound like you know all about that from before so will be watching out for the signs. I had Clycophosphamide too but am putting down all my symptoms to Taxol. Will be starting more chemo this week with CMF. Can't believe it. Thought I was done with 6 cycles pre surgery.

Best wishes

commented by Josephine
14 November 2012

14 November 2012 20:21

Hi sunshine
I also had 4 AC and 4 taxol. I had awful nausea with the AC even with all the anti sickness meds. Taxol was much easier, very little nausea. I did need motilium a few times but none of the other high power meds. The weird side effect I had was numbness and pains in my fingers and toes and pains in my legs if I walked or stood for too long. It's now 3 weeks since my last taxol and I'm walking every morning with a group of mammies and my legs are definetly not as bad.
If you have a look at the posts under taxol-terrified I asked loads of questions about taxol and got lots of advice from all the lovely ladies here.
Good luck with it.

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