Breast cancer
posted by LindyLu
16 December 2010

Using Signature to post stats???

Last reply: 15 January 2011 21:50

Hi Ladies

I have just found the signature feature on the user control panel and decided to use it to post a short profile on my stats (age at diagnosis, type and size of cancer, treatment, recon surgery etc).

What do ye think of using this??

I duck in and out of the ICS message board. There are a few names that I recognise and remember their 'circumstances' but for the most part I forget who had what and where they are with treatment etc (can blame that on chemo!).

Would many of you be willing to share your profile in the signature feature? It might help us better connect with each other if we know more about our diagnosis.




commented by Kar
21 December 2010

21 December 2010 19:41

Hi LindyLu,

Great idea - I have added my stats. When first diagnosed I spent hours on UK and US sites looking for woman with similar diagnosis to myself to compare treatment plans etc. It would be great to get it here.



commented by michl
28 December 2010

28 December 2010 09:37

Really good idea well done on finding that ! I got loads of info from other sites of those with similar status to me.

commented by Jeanette
28 December 2010

28 December 2010 16:31

Hi All

Great idea

Regards Jeanette

commented by michl
31 December 2010

31 December 2010 11:46

I just see you're in thirties like me, I was 36 diagnosed, now 38 with three children under 7.. thought I practically was on my own hope you're all keeping well & enjoying the hols x

commented by FH2
03 January 2011

03 January 2011 13:25

Good idea Linda!

And I see that you came back BrCa neg. What about your Mum?

When I put in mine first, I was DOUBLE the allowed number of characters. FYI its 255!!

Flo. (AKA long winded gas bag)

commented by LindyLu
03 January 2011

03 January 2011 17:34

Hi Flo

Thanks for adding your siggy (even if it is a long one!).

Ref your BrCa question - My mum has not had cancer. Cancer unfortunately resides on my Dad's side. His youngest sister was diagnosed 7 years ago aged 45 - she is alive and well TG. Then there was me diagnosed aged 39 in Dec 2008 and since my negtive BrCa test my cousin was diagnosed (my Dad's brother's daughter) aged 41 in mid 2010. Three Breast cancer diagnosis in a largish extended family is probably not that uncommom however I really do think there are other genes that they just have not yet discovered!!

I pushed hard for a BrCa test cos of small family history including prostate cancer on my dad's side. Told the genetics people if it came back positive that I would do what you have done - ooph and BLM.


commented by Jeanette
13 January 2011

13 January 2011 18:56

Hi All

Just to let you know there is a "Young women with BC" meeting on in the Gary Kelly centre on Tuesday 18th January at 11am.
I have been to a couple now and found them to be of great support.

It is informal and quiet a laugh! I have meet some people who I think will be in my life forever.


commented by hugs
15 January 2011

15 January 2011 21:50

Great idea! We need to try keep the board active aswell, it was a lifeline to me when I found the lump on that dark and lonely night!!!

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