Breast cancer
posted by lecky
03 August 2021

Wait times for triple assessment breast cancer clinic

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:08

Anyone know what current wait times are for follow-up at breast cancer clinic? In this case for the Symptomatic Breast Cancer Unit at UCHG.

I found a lump in my breast recently. Went to GP a couple of days later. She sent a referral to the Symptomatic Breast Cancer Unit at UCHG. That was two weeks ago. No contact from them yet. I rang them last Thursday and was told the referral wasn't received. Back to GP and was told it went through whatever secure system they use and had been acknowledged as received. Back to UCHG and was told they did have it after all and that all incoming referrals would have to be "triaged" and didn't know when xxx would do that as he was typically only there on Mondays.

I have a history of breast cancer. Diagnosed in 2009 - I had a lumpectomy in the other breast and chemo and rads. Had surgery in NY so I don't have any contact with a breast surgeon here.

Wondering what to do next. I don't want to leave this hanging. My next mammo not due until end of September.



commented by Gursey1985
03 August 2021

03 August 2021 14:10

Hi my referral took 8 weeks..So sorry you have the added stress of this..I would contact your GP again and demand that your referral be seen as urgent giving your past history..I hope you get sorted..Sending love and light

commented by lecky
03 August 2021

03 August 2021 14:22

Thanks Gursey1985. I have VHI, so wondering if I should use that instead of starting in the public system. But if the mass turns out to be malignant, not sure if i can then switch back to the public system once I have a diagnosis.

commented by Jenni53
03 August 2021

03 August 2021 17:38

Hi leaky

Like you I have VHI and I used it for my treatment. If it turns out that you have cancer things should move quickly for you.

Wishing you the best of luck.

Best wishes

commented by lecky
03 August 2021

03 August 2021 18:13

Jenni, did you use your VHI for your initial assessment? I'm wondering whether to do elsewhere for mammo/ultrasound, but wouldn't even know where to go and not sure you can self-refer. And GP gone on holidays, not familiar with other doctors in the practice.

commented by Jenni53
05 August 2021

05 August 2021 11:24

I did yes.

commented by K
09 August 2021

09 August 2021 21:08

I went abroad to get diagnosed. I would push - either ring a private practice to book a scan (and pay yourself if necessary) or ask one of the other GP’s for an urgent referral. Waiting periods here are ridiculous, this is NOT happening in other European countries. Be pro-active. Best of luck.

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