Breast cancer
posted by MicheleC
25 April 2024

Waiting on results

Last reply: 21 June 2024 16:36

I am out of my mind with worry. I am 58 years of age and only went for my first mammogram on March 21st. I have a history of childhood abuse and lots of body issues so I kept delaying it and the Covid etc, anyway I got recalled last Monday 22nd, I had the mammogram and the nurse said there were calcifications on both breast and they needed to look a bit more. Then I had an ultrasound, the doctor said 'we need to do a bit more investigation' and said she could see a shadow somewhere on my left breast. I've no lumps or symptoms. She then said she would like to biopsy both the shadow and the calcification and did I want to do them that day or come back another day. I opted to have them done there and then. I then seen the breast nurse who gave me an appointment for next Wed 1st for the results. I was in bits and very upset etc and since then cannot sleep or focus either at work or at home. I've never, ever been so terrified in my life and am having panic attacks. I need some tips to calm down before Wed. Thank you x



commented by jelly89
25 April 2024

25 April 2024 17:49

I have no medical knowledge beyond leaving cert biology but I just wanted to wish you all the best. I have a large solid lump and getting biopsy results next week also. I can't eat, sleep or concentrate. Absolutely petrified. I'm only early 40s with young children. There must be a better way to give us our results without leaving us in this state for so long.

commented by Bernie50
21 June 2024

21 June 2024 16:36

Hi. the waiting is terrifying. I went for a routine mammogram at the end of February and only received the all clear on the 20th June. I had 5 biopsies recalled twice for inconclusive results. I had the lump removed at end of may and checked and only got the results as I was on my way into the hospital on Thursday morning . I feel awful about it all still and I know it could have been worse as I don’t have cancer.

commented by Daiz
26 April 2024

26 April 2024 10:49

I'm in the same boat as you both. I'm also in my early 40's, with large solid lump. I'm back next week too for my biopsy results.
I'm wish you both the best of luck. x

commented by jelly89
27 April 2024

27 April 2024 11:13

How are you both feeling now? I've calmed down a little bit still worried and crying occasionally. This is truly awful!

commented by Daiz
27 April 2024

27 April 2024 18:21

Pretty much the same. I’m trying to keep myself busy but it will just hit me all of a sudden!
Wishing you both the best of luck with your results next week!

commented by MicheleC
27 April 2024

27 April 2024 18:01

I’m trying my very best to stay calm and distract myself with walks, work and generally keeping busy. It is so hard not to go down the Dr Google rabbit hole! Every little niggle or discomfort has me convinced I’m doomed. I can’t talk about it or I end up in tears so still feeling very emotional. I’m getting my results on Wednesday. Hope you are both doing ok x

commented by Sam2404
29 April 2024

29 April 2024 16:13

Similar age, went through this last week. I was called back after a mammogram and thankfully a bioposy just showed a small cyst. The waiting period was pure hell and a new experience for me. Wishing you all the best thinking of you. Keep busy, go out for walks, distract yourself as much as possible. Not every recall is bad news, remember that.

commented by MicheleC
30 April 2024

30 April 2024 12:40

Thank you, trying very hard to stay calm, one more day to go

commented by jelly89
30 April 2024

30 April 2024 13:46

I had a call from my GP to say that the lump is a fibroadenoma from the mammogram. There are some suspicions around it though so I still have to wait for tomorrow for the biopsy results. Still struggling to function!

commented by Daiz
30 April 2024

30 April 2024 16:03

Best of luck to you both for tomorrow. I was to get my results today and the hospital hadn’t received them so hopefully I will find out tomorrow too.

commented by Sam2404
30 April 2024

30 April 2024 16:57

Thinking of you and best of luck. Noone understands the anxiety of waiting unless you have been through it

commented by jelly89
30 April 2024

30 April 2024 22:50

Best of luck to you both tomorrow Daiz and Michele.

Please let us know how things go. I'm hoping they are just being cautious with us. Xxx

commented by jelly89
01 May 2024

01 May 2024 18:45

All OK here. Its just a fibroadenoma. They were suspicious as it's so big. Hope you both got on well today. Xx

commented by Daiz
02 May 2024

02 May 2024 10:25

@jelly89 that's fantastic news! delighted for you. unfortunately I didn't get the good news I was hoping for, don't think it sank in yet! xx

commented by just_me
02 May 2024

02 May 2024 21:12

Hi Diaz

Such a tough few weeks you've had, but now you know and a plan will be in place. For the next few weeks it will be one day at a time. Once things get moving, I promise you it will all get easier. Its the limbo it's hardest. Over the next few weeks you're going to be introduced to a whole new language, it will all feel overwhelming, but please promise me something, do not go to Google unless you're looking up ways on how to help yourself . The only reason I check these queries is because I fell into a dark place when i was told, so i want to try and help other ladies. There is no easy way to get your head around it, but walk, eat well, get lots of fresh air, I promise you whatever treatment you might have to get, will not be as bad as you think. You are one of so many and trust me you will give it your all lady x x x

commented by jelly89
02 May 2024

02 May 2024 20:18

I'm so sorry Daiz! You must be devastated. I hope that you will be treated quickly and that you will be back to yourself in no time. Xxx

commented by MicheleC
03 May 2024

03 May 2024 18:13

Unfortunately I was diagnosed with invasive lobular cancer in left breast, will def have to have surgery but to what extent I’m not sure until I hsve a mammogram on 11th, surgery likely to be on the 27th. I’m all over the place and finding it hard to process it.

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